If you have ever listened to one of my sermons you can probably tell I am not the Martin Lloyd Jones or the John McArthur of Independent Baptist Preachers. To be very honest the best preaching I have ever done would not be in the aforementioned brethrens worst sermon file. I'm ok with that, I don't want to be those guys I want to be the best preacher that Troy McGahan can be. Having said that one thing that has bothered me over the last few years is there are two extremes with preachers that I have been affiliated with. They are either more shallow than a river bed in July or they are so deep that the people they are ministering to have no idea what the preacher is talking about. Preaching should be something that has enough depth to challenge the congregation and yet simple enough that even the babes in Christ can get it. In other words put the cookies on the shelf where everyone can get it.
That is why I am doing the Practical Preaching" series. Our people are loving it. They love fact they are getting doctrine but,I am breaking down the terms in ways they understand it. The people I Pastor for the most part would have no idea what infralapsarian, supralapsarian or sublapsarian would mean. However, we can preach on God's providence and Sovereignty and break it down in their language and they are eating it up. Brethren, let's quit preaching terms and labels and simply preach thus saith the Lord. God's people does not need Calvin, Augustine, Know or Spurgeon they need God's Word. Let's be Pastor's that preaches THE BOOK rather than a bunch of Books.