Don’t Be Ashamed Of That Name Rev. A.J. Ogden
It is very easy to see that the great majority of people in our day are not ashamed of hardly anything anymore. Not ashamed to curse, swear, talk filthy, and use God’s name in vain. I could go on and on; people are just simply not ashamed of sin, crime, violence, and wickedness of every description. A great number of people think it is normal to live like the devil.
But I do notice there is one thing that seems to embarrass the average person you try to talk to. They will blush when you mention that name that is above every name, that name of Jesus. Are they ashamed of the name? I believe they are, and what a pity.
I appreciate Frederick Whitfield, who in 1829 wrote in his beautiful song about his love of Jesus. Here is one verse of it:
“There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing it’s worth;
It sounds like music in my ear, The sweetest name on earth.
Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus, Because he first loved me.”
If his precious name does not sound like music in your ears, perhaps it’s because you just don’t know him. When you know him, you will love him, and you will not be ashamed of that name.
Satan is never ashamed of sin, so we should not be ashamed of our God. Never apologize for being a born again believer. Never try to please a sinful world that makes fun of God. Just stand up for Jesus who stood for you at Calvary and purchased your salvation with his own precious blood. God’s word says in John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Jesus did that for you.
This world system is an enemy of Jesus, the Bible, and everything else that glorifies the God of Heaven. In life’s pilgrimage we are like strangers in an unfriendly land, or sheep in wolf country. But we have God’s promise that if we trust his son, Jesus, we’ll have an eternal home where all will be the sweet peace that only Jesus can give.
Our stay here will be short, but when we give it all to Jesus we can know for sure the best is ahead. Confess him before man because he confessed you before a whole world at Calvary.