An Interview With People In Hell Rev. A. J. Ogden
Referring to the rich man in Luke 16:23, the Bible says, “And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments…” He would have an eternity to walk the corridors of the doomed and the damned, without one moment of relief, or one drop of water. We hear very little about Hell today, but it is still there and still in the Bible.
If I was a reporter, I am sure I could never visit Hell and walk up to the residents there and ask them for an interview. But just imagine for a few minutes that I could interview them, one by one. Perhaps some of my interviews would sound like the following.
“Dear lady, could I ask a question? Yes, you may. How did you happen to end up in Hell? Well, it is like this sir, no one ever witnessed to me about Jesus. No one cared for my soul. Church members set a poor example for me.”
Then we see a man in misery for eternity. “Sir, how did you miss out on getting saved? Well, sir, I followed a false religion of works and this is where it led me.”
Then I asked a suffering teen aged girl, “Honey, why are you here? I’m here because mom and dad were too busy making a living, to make a life for us kids. They never took us to church.”
Then I approached another man with the same question and am told that he was too busy trying to climb the ladder of success, instead of taking time to hear the Gospel.
Another lady says she is in Hell because the people in her church were always fighting, but never soul winning. Another resident of that place, who was a deacon, is there because he had religion without Christ. To my shock and amazement there was a so-called preacher there who had been blind, trying to lead the blind.
There will be a multitude of folks who profess Christianity but never had a new birth. It is one thing to be a professor, but quite another to be a possessor. Many who go to Hell, got here with a lip profession without a heart possession.
The devil is in the religion business. He wants you to have religion without Jesus. He doesn’t mind if you belong to a church, just as long as you do not get saved. Hell is full of religious, but lost Baptists, and many others. Where do you stand?