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Bible Q & A 10: What does God say about homosexuality?
SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2015
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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BIBLE Q & A, 10 : What does God say about homosexuality?

Posted to Ezine, SA blog, new book , 6-28-2015

They’re marching today in Chicago. They do it every year, the gays, but today they have a special smile on their face, as they celebrate, while the true church mourns, the entry of the United States into an almost guaranteed expectation of judgment.

It will get worse, unless the church repents and the world is salted down again. Yes, all superfluity of evil can be traced back to a slumbering church. A church that has lost interest in what pains God, and that cares more about alleviating its own pain. A soft church. A compromised church. A lukewarm church.

Driving along in Chicago on the day of the tragic decision, I saw a church with a newly-posted sign on its front: “We prayed for Marriage Equality.”

I want to go to that church, and announce to them their need to pray for themselves next, for if the light that is in the world is darkness, how great is that darkness and how great the judgment will be on those who claim to know Christ but have sold out to the world. God help us all. Judgment is coming to my homeland!

I take a certain amount of pleasure in knowing that what is called the “Supreme” Court must bow to Another, more supreme, by far. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the Supreme Court of the Universe, has spoken already on this issue. There was no need for little man – and woman – to speak again. The case is settled. Homosexuality is an abomination. Lesbianism is an abomination. The definition of marriage has not changed.

I say it will get worse. In one sense it already has. The annual parade of which I spoke above is called “Pride.” Gay “pride.” Men are not only abominable in His sight, they are proud of it.

Let us give sin no quarter here. Call it what it is. What God calls it. Vile Passions. Perversion. Abomination.

But it will also get worse for the Christian who dares to speak against it. Christian organizations that refuse to accept such a lifestyle and who refuse to serve those who do, will be hurt in any way legal. And what is legal will have a broader and broader umbrella as the years go by. We have seen the beginnings of this already.

But I call not for Christians to protest, to make noise. All sin is abomination. Why have we not protested Hollywood, the news industry, adultery, sex before and outside of marriage, alcohol, gluttony, all American-style sins. Sin is sin. We have lived in a sinful world before, and we live in a more sinful world now, perhaps in fact at the very edge of the end. It was Sodom’s end, and Rome’s. Civilizations that are perverse cannot last all that long.

No, I call on Christians to be holy. To repent of their long sleep. To get out and make Jesus known. To pray as never before. To know what God says on all the issues by being Scripture students to the max.

Wake up church! Put away your own sins, and live holy before God.

Now let me help a little on one of those points, the Scripture. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? This is not for you to argue with gays about. They are hard in their sin and will not listen, unless the Spirit has brought them to you in repentance. We preach Jesus, not anti-immorality.

But we still need to know why we hate this thing. It is because God hates it, and sees it as the last of a long series of steps away from Him, at which time He must judge.

Genesis 18:20 speaks of a sin in Sodom that was so grave that God had decided the city was not worth saving! We know the rest of that story. “The outcry,”said God, “against Sodom and Gomorrah is great.”

Genesis 19 tells the awful tale of perverted men wanting “satisfaction” from angels of God, no less! Lot, who is like so many “believers” we know in this country, and his wife, were quite comfortable in the midst of this craziness, and had to be literally pulled out of their lukewarm zone.

People always want to say to us, “But there are other sins…” I even said something like that above. Yes, indeed, there are other sins. And there were other sins in Sodom. But not one is mentioned but this one. And from that day to this, Sodom has given its very name to the act which destroyed it. Oh! America! What are you doing!

A similarly obnoxious story is related in Judges 19. But by then, the perpetrators of the act had heard the Law of Moses, and rejected it, just as the Sodomites rejected the law of God written into the natural man.

Even animals know that this type of perversion is sickness, and they all avoid it.

We need to go back then to Moses, to see what God’s law communicated forever to those who would love God. Oh yes, forever. The law was not destroyed in Christ, rather its requirements were fulfilled in His righteous act. Forgiveness for breaking that law is available!

But the desires of God within that written system did not change. It is still wrong to murder, and to commit adultery, just as Moses said. And for the believer, that law is written on the heart by God Himself. No true believer desires to live in this sin. Though he may struggle, he will win.

For mankind, that struggle gets less and less in every generation, until someone just says, oh forget it! Let us live and let live, for goodness’ sake! Let us celebrate who we are!

Sir, “who you are” is a condemned sinner like the rest of us, deserving eternal hell, and you shall have it unless Christ does His work in you.

What did Moses (God) say, then? “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.” Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13.

Leviticus? Such an obscure book? Details of Mosaic Law not in effect today?

Jesus quoted from this book: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” says Leviticus and Jesus. The second greatest of all the commandments.

Not in effect today? Every Bible believer knows in his heart that it truly is in effect. So much so, that the original Bible believers, namely the apostles, wrote similar statements for the people of God after Jesus. Paul, in particular:

I Corinthians 6:9: “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of God!”

Clear enough? Stay in this sin, you go to Hell!

Paul has a similar list he offers to Timothy (I Timothy 1:10), this time listing “gays” with murderers, liars, and “anything else that is contrary to sound teaching.”

Nailed shut. Tight. Homosexuality, lived in, brings a man to Hell.

So what is it they are celebrating in Chicago and throughout the world today? Their own demise. Their taking of another personal step toward the fiery furnace of Hell and the Bottomless Pit.

Nationally, soon the judgment must fall. Isis is on our border, and disrupting our “way of life” already. Russia threatens. North Korea threatens. The entire Middle East is opposed to us. This President has even alienated Israel!

The showers of fire can then come from any side. Oh what kind of persons we ought to be now, knowing that Heaven is angry and will soon be on a March of Its Own.

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