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If I were a Calvinist...
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2015
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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Yesterday we were looking at verses that seemed to indicate free will. We continue with that before moving on to the "Calvin" verses.

John 3:16, 17. Ask anyone their favorite verse. 9 out of 10 will quote this one, or the pair. An Arminian paradise, you say, the safest place in Scripture for the free will of man. God loved the world. (Sorry, but “so” here is not like we use it at all. Not a big deal, but just part of the way we can be misled.) God gave His Son. Believing ones will be saved.

  1. Interpretation by most: God was so much wanting to rescue every individual who ever lived, from Hell, that He sent Jesus to die in their place, knowing that most would refuse this love, but at least some would believe – by their own choice – and be saved.

    Questions must follow:

  2. Does “world” mean, indeed, “every individual who ever lived?”

  3. How deal then with “world” in John 3:17: “that the world through Him might be saved.” Same world. Are we therefore universalists? The same world that God loved is the world that Jesus saved. Can’t have it both ways.

Calvinists say this is the “world” of the redeemed. I tend to look elsewhere for a resolution to the conflict, for I think that is stretching the meaning of “world.” Kosmos in the Greek is not so much about individuals as it is about an “orderly arrangement.” A system. The Universe and all its complexities. A complex system of material and people created by God, taken temporarily by Satan, saved from Satan’s grasp and destruction by the victory of Jesus at Calvary.

This, I believe, is the “world” that God loved. His creation. His work. It was, if left in human hands, scheduled to destroy itself. It was on a course of total oblivion and judgment, self-inflicted by sin and its consequences. God devised a plan whereby He could save the world from destruction, bring ownership back to His Son, and allow some people to actually be saved “legally” through the Son taking on the guilt . All others would be rightfully judged.

Then how choose which ones? That, friend, is where grace enters. Amazing grace. Why me? Why you? The only answer is the will of the Father. This concept fits perfectly the other verses we will encounter in John. Don’t take my analysis for it!

By the way, if indeed the word world means “everyone”, how will we account for the millions already in Hell when the Savior came?

3. John 7:37-38. 17:30, Revelation 22:17, Let the thirsty come to Me, says Jesus! Here and elsewhere we see Jesus freely inviting all to come to Him for life, for salvation, for forgiveness. Jesus does not behave like a “Calvinist.” Does He not know that some of these people have been hand-picked, and many others to whom He is talking will not be in Heaven, because God has not chosen them? Why the open invitations?

This is perhaps the most puzzling of all, in the light of passages I will show you later that seem to indicate totally opposite attitudes in Heaven. Yet it was Jesus Himself who said that “many are called, but few are chosen.” All have a right to hear, and the Great Commission is still in place. Only lazy and disobedient believers hold back on sharing the Good News because perhaps no one in the audience is among the elect. Jesus models this for us throughout His short life here.

He further shows us that to be chosen is not to be treated any differently by the preacher or soul-winner. God uses the normal means of preaching, teaching, compelling souls, then believing, repenting, that rises from within, is not contrived externally, to bring sinners into the flock. And those who thus receive are the ones whom the Father drew to Himself. I use the very language of Jesus.

Now, if I were a Calvinist…

It is hard for us to grasp the idea that the Father knows all things, from beginning to end. He knows who will be in the final group of Christians. For that group that He knows, He creates a plan whereby they will be conformed to the image of Jesus. That means He is sanctifying us, preparing us, testing us. Those ones for whom a plan is already in place are simply then called out by the preaching of the Gospel. They respond to the call and are made righteous by the blood of Jesus. He finally brings them on into glory. The same group He foreknew. He does it all, from beginning to end.

Sorry, I promised only John. That last paragraph was a paraphrase of Paul in Romans 8:29-30. Perhaps it will help prepare you for the rest of the story, namely, the verses in John that very clearly teach election.

  1. We start with John 1:13. Those born of God are not born of some human genealogy, not born by trying real hard or doing something, not born because of someone else’s effort on our behalf. Birth, we have nothing to do with. Did you assist in your human birth? Neither did you in your spiritual one! You are born of God.

  2. The birth theme continues in John 3:3-8. Until we are born, we cannot see the Kingdom, says Jesus. Human flesh brings human flesh into the world, but only God’s Spirit can bring Spirit-life into the world. It’s like the wind blowing, as far as we are concerned. Can’t tell where it comes from, where it’s going. Can’t control it. That’s how God and rebirth are.

  3. John 5:21. The Son gives life to whomever He wills. This is explained more in the next passage:

  4. John 6:37-. The Father has given to the Son, “X” number of people. Each and every one of those people will come to Jesus! And every one of them will be totally accepted by Jesus! In fact, no one comes to Jesus unless the Father has drawn Him in, unless it has been granted to Him by the Father. Jesus is insistent on this concept in John 6.

  5. Perhaps as a footnote to all this, Jesus remarks in 6:70 that He chose the disciples. Yes, that’s clear, isn’t it? The first members of the Christian church were chosen of God, even the one who would be the betrayer, and lost. Why should later members of the Church be different? Why are we not chosen, elected?

  6. John 8:43. The “Jews” did not understand Jesus, because they were not able, says the Lord. No, until God opens the eyes, man is not able to see.

  7. John 10:27-29, In the same way, the sheep of Jesus hear His voice. Non-sheep cannot hear Him. They must be tuned in by the Spirit of God. It is in fact the Father Who gives these sheep to Jesus.

  8. John 15:19. I chose you out of the world.

  9. John 17:2-6. Jesus gives life to as many as the Father gave Him, as above.

  10. John 17:9-12. I do not even pray for the world. I pray for the ones you gave me out of the world!

There are more, on both sides, but I believe the case is made, don’t you? Not by Calvin or Paul or Augustine, but by the love apostle, who walked closely with Jesus for three years, heard His Voice, loved Him, and rejoiced in His salvation.

My exposition of the Scripture is not perfect, I am sure. Many could go deeper. But many will try to take you down a path which lands you in their denomination for the rest of your life. I have no such aim. Breathe the air of freedom deeply. If anything I have said is troubling, find the passages that show I have erred, and lovingly let me know.

Otherwise, rejoice. If the Word of God is burning in you now and you see something you have not seen before and are rejoicing that God has chosen you, whatever group you happen to inhabit at present, rejoice! That your Name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and will not be blotted out!

Being chosen is a good thing.

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