"He that deviseth to do evil shall be called a mischievous person." Proverbs 24:8
Actions always come with consequences. Today, Solomon tells us that we will be known by what we do. A reputation is difficult to change once it has been established. What do people think about when your name comes up in conversation? If you are currently engaged in habitual evil or thinking of engaging in a particular practice, you might be tempted to think that no one will ever find out. Many people have believed that lie, and in turn lived their lives with a stained reputation when their hopes of concealing the truth fell through. Why should we care about our reputation; isn’t that just prideful? Well, it can be, but for the Christian, your reputation is a reflection of the work of Jesus Christ. Your reputation will play a part in establishing Christ’s reputation to the world around you. Your credibility or lack thereof, will greatly affect your ability to minister and witness to a lost and dying world. In a very real sense, your reputation is one of the most important things you have.