True or False - According To The Bible.... - In communion/Lord’s Supper – “bitter wine” or “sour wine” is required by the Word of God, due to the bitterness of Christ’s death on the cross or some other allegorical association between bitter wine and Christ’s blood. - The alcohol content of communion wine is not specified and, therefore, alcohol free wine is acceptable. - The use, sharing or passing of a single cup is commanded or required. - The use, sharing or passing of a single loaf is not commanded or required.
Dear Prayer Warriors, Each day of this week leading up to Easter, I will post a series of true and false questions (four each day,) with answers appearing below. Like Christmas, Easter is a celebration in which Biblical truths, apocryphal teachings and man-made legends are all taught, side by side, without distinguishing between what is scriptural and what are unsubstantiated stories. The object of these questions is for you to test yourself--not a test of obscure Bible trivia, but a test of whether you are holding to Biblical revelation or myths and legends. You should ask yourself, “If I have believed this myth, what other myths do I believe concerning God the Holy Spirit’s revelation concerning Christ’s arrest, trial, torture, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and the actions of the early church?” The goal is that you will be challenged to faithfully read and study the Holy Scriptures and base your convictions on the holy, eternal, inerrant written Word of God.
True or False - According To The Bible....
17. In communion/Lord’s Supper – “bitter wine” or “sour wine” is required by the Word of God, due to the bitterness of Christ’s death on the cross or some other allegorical association between bitter wine and Christ’s blood. False – There are no passages in Holy Scripture which refer to the wine used at the Last Supper as “bitter” or “sour.” John 19:29 does refer to sour wine being offered to Christ while on the cross but this is a completely different incident from the Lord’s Supper and instructions surrounding the Lord’s Supper.
18. The alcohol content of communion wine is not specified and, therefore, alcohol free wine is acceptable. True – Much harm and temptation has been done to alcoholics throughout the world by misguided teachers, who insist that it is not communion wine unless it contains alcohol. You may go to most grocery stores in America and find a wine selection that ranges from 15% to 0% in terms of alcohol content. The term “grape juice” used for alcohol-free wine is totally arbitrary, as is the term “wine,” rather than “fermented or alcoholic grape juice.”
19. The use, sharing or passing of a single cup is commanded or required. False – In Bible teaching, we differentiate between historical revelation (what God or man is revealed as doing in Holy Scripture) and doctrinal revelation (what God commands man to do or not do in Holy Scripture or what God reveals to man about His nature and actions.) The historical revelation of the Last Supper contains many doctrinal revelations. However, the command to use a single, shared cup is not commanded. It is revealed as being done but it is not commanded. This is significant, because if we decide that all that is done at the Last Supper is a command, then we will be washing each other’s feet, we will be reclining at a table, not sitting in a chair or pew in an auditorium, we will be taking the Lord’s Supper in a second-story room of a house, etc.
20. The use, sharing or passing of a single loaf is not commanded or required. True – Again, this practice is not commanded in doctrinal teachings concerning the Lord’s Supper.
By His Mercy, II Corinthians 4:1 Rev. John S. Mahon - Director Grace Community International