True or False - According To The Bible.... - There is no mention of the “Via De La Rosa” the way of the cross, nor did this avenue become of special significance to the early church. - The “Stations of the Cross” were venerated and put into place by the early church - Though miracles are frequent throughout the Gospels and the Book of Acts and the ministry of the Apostles, including miracles associated with certain physical objects (Acts 5:15; Acts 19:12; Luke 15:44) not a single miracle was associated with objects of Jesus’ Passion. (Drops of His blood, the robe, the cup, slivers of the cross, etc..) - There is no mention in the Book of Acts nor the Bible of the institution of Easter as an annual festival of the church nor of any celebration of Easter as a specific day on the church calendar.
Dear Prayer Warriors, Each day this week leading up to Easter I will be posting a series of True and False questions (four each day), with the answers appearing below. Like Christmas, Easter is a celebration in which Biblical, apocryphal and legends are all taught side by side without distinguishing between what is Scriptural and what are unsubstantiated legends and stories. The object of these questions is for you to test yourself--not a test of obscure Bible trivia but a test of whether you are holding to Biblical revelation or myths and legends. You should ask yourself, “If I have believed this myth, what other myths do I believe concerning God the Holy Spirit’s Revelation concerning Christ’s arrest, trial, torture, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and the actions of the early church?” The goal is that you will be challenged to faithfully read and study the Holy Scriptures and base your convictions on the holy, eternal, inerrant written Word of God.
True or False - According To The Bible....
5. There is no mention of the “Via De La Rosa” the way of the cross, nor did this avenue become of special significance to the early church. True: Nowhere does the phrase nor the emphasis of this tradition appear in Holy Scripture. Nor does it appear in primary source first century Christian documents.
6. The “Stations of the Cross” were venerated and put into place by the early church False: Nowhere does the phrase “Stations of the Cross” nor the emphasis of this tradition appear in Holy Scripture. Nor does it appear in primary source first century Christian documents.
7. Though miracles are frequent throughout the Gospels and the Book of Acts and the ministry of the Apostles, including miracles associated with certain physical objects (Acts 5:15; Acts 19:12; Luke 15:44) not a single miracle was associated with objects of Jesus’ Passion (Drops of His blood, the robe, the cup, slivers of the cross, etc..) True - The wood of the cross, the literal drops of blood of Christ, the robe, the cup from the Lord’s supper, the spear, the crown of thorns, nor any other object is associated with any miracle in Holy Scriptures nor are there any mentioned in any first century primary source Christian document.
8. There is no mention in the Book of Acts nor the Bible of the institution of Easter as an annual festival of the church nor of any celebration of Easter as a specific day on the church calendar. T – Although the first day of the week is referred to as “The Lord’s Day” (Revelation 1:10; Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 16:2) no mention in Scripture is given of a special annual holy day celebration, feast day or church calendar day commemorating any of the events surrounding the Passion of Christ. Nor are there in existence any primary source first century documents mentioning annual holy days surrounding the Passion of Christ or what has come to be known as Easter.
By His Mercy, II Corinthians 4:1 Rev. John S. Mahon - Director Grace Community International