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Scott Price | Cincinnati, Ohio
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Gospel of Grace Ministries 2329 Chapel Rd. Okeana, Ohio 45053
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What to Avoid When Defending the Gospel
Posted by: Gospel of Grace Ministries | more..
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by Scott Price

"But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." II Tim 2:23-26

Anyone that puts forth the effort enough times to communicate the gospel to family, friends, co-workers, or even strangers, at some point has probably run into people asking foolish and unlearned questions. Just when you are dealing with some good gospel nugget like the sinless humanity of Christ, His Deity, the imputation of sin to Christ, His satisfaction of the law, His righteousness established, and all of a sudden the person says to you, "Yeh, but what about life on other planets?". Foolish and unlearned questions range from "Can God make a rock so big He cannot lift it", to "Are people in heaven able to fly through the air by thought projection?”

Foolish and unlearned questions are things that simply are not revealed in God's word. Man foolishly tries to be wiser than God and talk about what he knows nothing about. God's people are not to strive and debate with others concerning these things. Even unclear secondary issues that are not gospel issues should not be fought over. Just a very quick reading in the gospels you will see some foolish and unlearned questions that folks asked Jesus and some of the questions even came from His disciples. We now have the advantage of learning from other's mistakes and that still does not make us mistake proof. The point is we need to focus on what God has clearly revealed in a gospel context when we are evangelizing.

In the defense and confirmation of the gospel we must speak "thus saith the LORD." Paul said we should not speak with man's wisdom, fancy talk, or eloquent language that is above everybody's intellectual level so as to bring attention to the one speaking. People in the past have asked me, "What should I say to the Jehovah's Witness when he comes to my door?” as if there is some magic bullet they want to use. The answer I give is...THE GOSPEL! Same gospel is to be preached for the Mormons, Christians Science, 7th Day Adventists, Catholics, Freewillers, or any other works based false religion. If you deal with an evolutionist should you become an evidentalist or "Christian scientist" and spend years studying fossils, laws of cause and effect, laws of science, and archeology, to prove God created the world? If you convince him of creation you have only made a lost creationist that does not believe the gospel. The gospel of grace is our only message God uses to save His sheep.

Christ, Paul, and some of the other Apostles discussed, disputed, deliberated, reasoned, argued, debated, when preaching and teaching the things concerning the gospel. They warned to do this in the right attitude, which is love. The above text says to be gentle and patient. Being gentle and patient does not mean to scream, spit, hit, insult, make fun of, look down on, etc., but rather lovingly communicate the gospel as clearly as you know how answering all questions by whatever sound explanations the Bible gives.

Disputing, debating, and arguing, has its place if done in the properly prescribed manner. The gospel message should be what offends, not the messenger. If the gospel is not an offense then maybe the messenger is holding some truth back? Is the preacher leaving room for sinners to boast? Is he leaving room for the sinner to glory in something besides the cross of Christ? Is he describing a christ that does not equal the Christ of the Bible? Is he so focused on side issues and "how to" messages that the glory of God in Christ is not touched on? Avoid foolish and unlearned questions and get to the heart of the love.... Christ and Him crucified.

Without clear concise Scriptural terms we would just be using words that can have any definition attached to them and be talking passed each other. We want to be understood; otherwise our language is vague, cloudy, and mystical. I personally despise such language and purposely avoid it while discussing or preaching the gospel.

The word "gospel" in the Bible means good news or glad tidings. As we progress in our definition of the gospel, each part that is added to define and describe the gospel is good news the people of God. The gospel is not good news to those who perish in their sins. Scripture says that the gospel is "foolishness" to them that reject it (I Cor 1:18). The same message, which God's people believe is the same message that unbelievers reject. The message is the same but God makes the difference in His revelation of it.

The message which defines a false gospel is actually BAD NEWS since it contains conditions that the sinner is unable to fulfill. Worse than that, it contains a false christ, which miserably failed in his work to secure salvation for those he dies for. In short; a false christ, a failed work, and conditions place on the sinner he is unable to fulfill because of his sin nature.

In the following weeks we plan to define and describe Biblical terms and ideas, which go to formulate the gospel that God has given in His word to use as we evangelize the world and also edify His people in the church. God's people thrive on His good news.

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