Today, the grace of God was made obvious to me. As I read through Deuteronomy, the laws of God are given. God gave the children of Israel laws about: inheritance, rebellious sons, those committing sins worthy of death, oxen which are found, clothes to wear, seed to sow, and those suspected of commiting adultery.
We find in our reading how concerned God is about shedding innocent blood. We read of those things which God considers an abomination. If we read closely, we recognize how strict the law is. We will never be able to keep all the Law. God even tells the children of Israel to make a battlement around the roof of their houses so someone doesn't fall off and die.
This is why the grace of God is so obvious. We can never keep all the Law. It is not possible. We can never consider ourselves to be blameless. This is why we need the grace and mercy of God. We are guilty. It is by the grace of God we are forgiven. It is by the mercy of God we are not consumed. If you want a fresh look at the grace of God, read the book of Deuteronomy. Think of all the requirements. Think of the many actions which were worthy of death. Then, you will realize how great the Grace of God is in your life.
By the way, you will also see the Grace of God to our country. Our country is so guilty of sin. Thank you Lord for being merciful to us.