Today, I am reading through Numbers. In my reading today, Moses was given the commandments concerning the red heifer. Also, I read how someone who touched a dead body is to be declared unclean. Then, the process which is to be followed to make the unclean, clean again.
I want you to think about the seriousness of sin and death to God. God describes for us elaborate ceremonies which must be undertaken to remove sin from Israel. Also, we see how serious death is to God. If you were inside a tent when someone died, you were declared unclean, even if you did not touch the person.
We do not need to go though elaborate ceremonies to cover our sin. We do not need to bring offerings to God or make restitution. The offering of Christ once for all removed our sin. The wrath of God for our sin was satisfied when Christ offered himself on the cross. Sin is removed in a believer, by grace through faith.
We need to remember God's view of sin. We need to remember, in the eyes of God, sin is serious. The wrath of God has been justified by the death of Jesus on the cross. Yet, that does not lessen the seriousness of sin. In fact, recognizing the sacrifice which was made should heighten our understanding of the seriousness of sin.
Is the ceremony elaborate today? No, it is simply, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Yet, the seriousness remains intact. Please, do not forget God's view of sin. Please do not forget what He gave to provide for our sin to be forgiven.