2. The Assyrian connection. You may have heard of and read a book by this name. The contention of it is that the antichrist is the resurrected ruler of the ancient Assyrian Empire, Sennacherib.
· The text specifically mentions that someone who died by the sword becomes antichrist when raised. While it is possible that ruler seven is killed in this way, the Old Testament book of Kings specifically states that Sennacherib was killed by his sword-wielding sons! This was a man who was proudly opposed to the Israelites, and would fit the caricature of an Old Testament "anti-Christ."
· Micah 5 is one of several passages that mentions "the Assyrian." Singular. Not the Assyrians, but one individual. The context of some of the passages (in Isaiah and Micah in particular) could easily point to Sennacherib and his devastations in the days of the prophets. But Micah 5 places "the Assyrian" in the context of the coming Messiah, who "will deliver us" from him! Is there indeed an Assyrian with whom Jesus and His people must deal in our future?
· If kings and kingdoms rise together, we must remember that one will search high and low for Assyria today, and not find it, though many Assyrians are still with us, and proudly so. Would God have to resurrect the entire Assyrian kingdom in order for Sennacherib to return to power? Yet, does not the prophet speak of a time when Egypt, Assyria, and Israel will be on friendly terms, and a blessing to God? (Isaiah 19:23-25)
· Also it must be noted that by the time of Daniel, when he foretold the coming man of sin and where he would originate, Assyria was already off the map. "Out of one of them," that is, out of the lineage and nation of one of the four generals of Alexander the Great , in their latter day form, will come antichrist. Assyria could not be a part of that group as it had already yielded to history by the time the prophecy was given. Still, the area covered by the four generals' domains could include ancient Assyria.
3. From Greece, Antiochus Epiphanes.
· The final "King of the North", in Daniel's final prophecy, is identified historically as Antiochus Epiphanes, the "bad guy" of the Hannukah story. How he hated Israel is documented well. His domain was a large one, and he wanted it to be larger but was thwarted by emerging Rome. The intriguing thing about this choice is the way the Spirit of God builds the history of the wars of succession in Daniel 10-12, and finally leads the reader to conclude he is dealing with the historical Epiphanes, when all of a sudden that same reader is in the end times dealing with the one whom we know to be the Bible's man of sin. Could it be that antichrist has been hiding in plain sight in your Bible for these thousands of years.
· Epiphanes, as far as we know, died of an awful disease, not from the sword.
· And, when the antichrist clearly appears in Daniel, he is called only the "King", not the King of the North. In fact the King of the North is also mentioned in the text, as one who comes against "the King". Still, this could easily be explained by the passage of time. Of course there is a new King of Syria in the last days, but that does not keep antichrist from appearing and wanting it all. It stands to reason that he is not King of the North or South when he returns, only the King.
Perhaps there is a better choice with no weaknesses in his bio. Maybe we need to study the hard Pharaoh of Moses' day who also would have a score to settle if he returned to Earth. What about Nebuchadnezzar who died a pagan King, even after all his proclamations of devotion to the God of Israel?
Let us hold fast to the facts we have and keep building. God's people should be in the know about things that are to come. This is why the Lord took so much time and effort to give us a complete revelation.
What do we know for sure then?
· There will be 8 outstanding world kingdoms, headed by 8 outstanding men.
· And the eighth one is really one of the first seven.
· That leaves us with only a handful of possible choices for antichrist, and we need not get distracted by every prophecy of every religion and every potential world leader of all of modern history.
· I strongly suggest we put away the newspapers and perhaps even the history books, and see what other clues God has given us right in the Bible, as to which man will be coming to the forefront of human history before Jesus sets up His final Kingdom.
As for that Millennial Kingdom, number nine, the entry of Jesus in glory and vengeful power is well documented in Scripture, and that is all we need. His Kingdom will be set up and never brought down. The first 1000 years of it will be here on Earth...