"Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?" Proverbs 20:6
The measure of faithfulness in an individual is not found in what they say or feel, but in what they do. Solomon observes that it is not a rare occurrence for an individual to talk about how faithful they would be, if given the opportunity. The rare occurrence is when someone is actually faithful to their claims when the opportunities arise. The reason that faithfulness can be so difficult is because selfishness comes so natural to us. It takes selfless sacrifice to be faithful; and in the middle of trying to fulfill all of our other responsibilities, many time we just do not want to mess with the hassle. In light of the gospel, this type of attitude doesn’t make a lot of since. When we consider the selfless hassle of Jesus taking on our sins and placing His righteousness on our account, the legitimacy of our excuses quickly fade. May we strive to be faithful in the opportunities that God will give us today; and in so doing express our gratitude as recipients of His faithfulness.