These words are very real as we connect to the daily news. They are especially real as we consider a trip to Israel. We naturally ask if it is safe to travel in Israel. The news this week is more positive and the trip will not happen if it is not safe, however these words also cause us to ask: “What is God doing in Israel?” Sunday I preached a message on that topic. It will be uploaded next week for you to listen to at As we watch the news we are reminded that the scriptures teach us that the Jews are a special People (Ps. 147:20) with a special Purpose (Gen. 12:3) in a special Place (Gen. 13:14-18) and a Special Promised Preservation (Jer. 31:35,36) and re-gathering (Ezekiel 34-38).
But why does that interest us and how does God’s plan for Israel help us. As we walk the land of Israel, we will not only look back and review the places of Abraham, David, Elijah and Christ but we will also look around at how God has partially fulfilled His promise to re-gather Israel to the land. Indeed our first day in Israel we will go to the historic site of the birth of the nation of Israel in May of 1948.
But why is that important to us? Paul in writing the book of Romans laid out the amazing plan of God for our Salvation (Romans 1-8). He summarized it with the statement “God is For Us” (Romans 8:32). Knowing this is a concept that seems too good to be true, Paul knew we’d ask: “How can I trust God’s promises to me?” His answer was wrapped up on one word: “Israel”.
Romans 9-11 was Paul’s proof that we can trust God’s faithfulness because He was faithful to His promises to Israel in the Past (Romans 9) and in the Present (Romans 10). But hasn’t God cast aside Israel? Hasn’t God ended His promised blessing on the Jews? Romans 11 answers that question with an astounding; “Certainly Not”. Paul’s proof that God lives up to His promises is that God continues to have a plan for the Jews.
As we walk the land and see modern Israel, we will see Paul was right. God did not cast aside Israel but has re-gathered them in the Land He promised them “forever”.
God Lives Up to His Promises!
PS: you can also check out additional messages on Romans 9-11 on Sermon Audio under the series “Romans: The Righteousness of God.