You heard it first here. The present dictator, evil as he may seem, is not the final world ruler. Most of you already figured that out, but there are a few who look at every possible scenario in the newspaper and radio and tv to see if they can identify him.
Not necessary.
Scripture tells us who he is. A little digging in Daniel makes it pretty clear. But that's another subject, and one I have covered in my book Who Is the Antichrist?
For now my focus is on Kim. Though I say he is not the antichrist, and his nation is not the Tribulation, take a good look at these two, North Korea and her leader. With only a little imagination you will see the entire end-time scene laid out before you.
My escapist friends, who are convinced by the brilliant pastor-leaders of our day that they will not be here during this, the world's greatest trouble, may wish to excuse themselves from reading on. While I quickly give the nod to the scholarship of these great men, I would humbly challenge any of them to produce one verse, one passage, that says succinctly that Jesus comes in the sky for His own, then comes back 7 years later to wrap things up in what we call the second coming.
I further challenge - since this first challenge cannot be met- our dear brothers to produce one passage where the word "before" is stated or implied in respect to the coming of Christ prior to a tribulation period .
They cannot do this either. The pre-tribulation rapture theory is a relatively new idea and is impossible to verify from Sacred Writ.
But Matthew 24 does have a time frame for the coming of Jesus. The word "after" is placed "after" the word tribulation in that chapter. Immediately after the tribulation of those days, it says, Jesus comes. Not a word about anything before. Case closed.
And no, not fair to say, This was written to the Jews, etc Nearly the entire New Testament was written to and by the Jews. What does that prove?
All of that to say that it would be wise for everyone to read the rest of this article. Every believer of the last days is involved.
Having studied North Korea and having studied the Book of Revelation, I am startled into believing that what you see in that Asian subculture is what you get when antichrist arises. At the very least.
Consider Revelation 13.
The devil gives the antichrist great authority. Ask a Korean escapee just how far the authority of this one man reached into his life and controlled everything in it.
The whole earth was amazed. North Korea's people have been stupefied, drugged, into mindless following of this man, his father, his grandfather.
He has an arrogant mouth, and blasphemous. The entire regime is given to mimicking the Christian religion. Ten commandments are ten principles. Worship is for the leaders. Confession of sin is required on a regular basis. Constant hearing of the word of the leader is everywhere. Blasphemy!
Buying and selling and prospering in any way is restricted to those 1000% given over to Kim and company. Hence a society of incredible wealth next to the greatest poverty on the planet. So it will be in that awful day. The have's will be antichrist's people. The have-not's will endure awful fates. Here is how the saints of God get home, by being overcome by antichrist, not a free ticket home earlier while second-class saints are left to suffer in agony.
I only touch the surface with this comparison. And I probably underestimate just how awful it will be. As you continue to pray for the brothers and sisters in North Korea, remember that one day their suffering could be yours, and then some, and you will be happy that you invested in them.