Midweek @ Grace Friday, July 25, 2014 @6:15 AM - Men’s Fellowship & Bible Study We continue our series: “Questions” --- ConFusioN at Corinth … This week: “Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts”
Family Matters Meals for the Hoover Family – Ladies @ Grace, you can visit our Take Them a Mealwebpageto easily signup to take a meal to Michael and Maryhelen Hoover. If you have any questions, please call the office: 270-781-2595.
The Gospel Project: Atonement Thread – This Sunday, July 27th, the Adult Discipleship Classes will begin a new 2nd Hour Study, Atonement Thread, tracing the Bible’s story through the lens of atonement woven throughout the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. This study is available in PDF or printed format; if you would like a copy of the Personal Study Guide, please reply to this email or call the office: 270-781-2595.
Pastor Steve Recommends Useable Dating Advice Young people - - please take this to heart… “I've been working in youth ministry in some capacity for roughly eight years, and this is one of the most common questions I've fielded from young Christians: "How can (insert boyfriend/girlfriend) and I have a Christian dating relationship? How do we keep it centered on Christ?" As often I've heard it, I still love the the heart behind the question. A couple of youngins' get to dating, and they want to "do it right." They realize that God is concerned with every aspect of our lives, including our romantic involvements, so they've resolved to have a "Christian" dating relationship and sought guidance. Still, over the years I've come to see that there is one key mark of a maturing relationship centered and continually centering itself on Christ: both of you are absolutely committed to each other's involvement in the local church.”
Where Are All Those Planes? This is just fun! And beautiful. “This data visualization of Air Traffic in Europe was created from real flight data. It shows the air traffic which flies on a typical summer day and highlights the intensity of the operation in Europe - an operation which runs 24x7x365.”
Sin – Sobering, Serious “The last couple of days we’ve been looking at the important, difficult, and oft-avoided duty of confronting or rebuking sin. We looked at the general attitude we should have when approaching someone about their sin and then listed a bank of 30 questions to ask when challenging sin. Today I want to suggest 14 truths to remember throughout this process:”