CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM Full name of credit card holder: _________________________________________
Billing Address:
Services and dates:
Nationality: _________Passport Number_________________
Credit Card Number: _________________________
Visa MasterCard Diners Amex Discover:___________
Expiry date: _______Digits on back of credit card:____
This is to authorize Jerusalem Eternal Tours, a Division of Eshet Irgun to charge my
credit card in the amount of: USD$ __________ for the above tourist services in
I understand that there is a 2% surcharge for this credit card transaction.
Please fill in, sign & return by scan or fax:
Attention - Daniel Decker
Direct fax no. +972-73-3271137
Or Send it to Pastor Rich, Shawnee Baptist Church, 303 Oakshade Rd. Shamong, NJ 08088