I was driving on an Interstate highway when I received a text message from a dear friend. His 2 month old baby was struggling to stay alive and he and his wife were needing to decide how far to go in radical medical procedures to try and save a baby that could never have a great quality of life. He needed some biblical perspective and some help trying to make sure they did not become bitter during this experience. I didn't want to take my hands off the wheel or stop to carry on what would be a lengthy chat. But my phone has voice recognition that works well most of the time.
During my dictating a response to this brother in Christ, I said the words, "great obstacles." My phone processed my Texas accent and typed "grape popsicles." So "grape popsicles" is now my metaphor for great obstacles that bring with them great confusion.
The prophet Elijah experienced GRAPE POPSICLES. After a stunning victory on Mount Carmel against 850 false prophets (400 prophets of Baal and 450 prophets of Ashtoreth), he receives a threat from Queen Jezebel. He runs in fear from this one woman. He makes completely bad decisions. He even disobeys God who tells Elijah to go to the top of a mountain, but Elijah remains in a cave.
Have you ever had great obstacles come into your life? Didn't they confuse your thinking? Did you make bad decisions? Take heart in the fact that Elijah is a man of similar weaknesses. You can learn from what God taught Elijah. Take a moment and listen to this sermon and then share it with someone who is currently undergoing a challenge fighting their own version of "grape popsicles."