“The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: but He loveth him that followeth afterrighteousness.” Proverbs 15:9
A great benefit to reading Scripture is found in learning how God thinks. His perception of our actions is often far different from our own. To paraphrase a familiar phrase, God thinks in a way that afflicts the comfortable, and comforts the afflicted. Are you participating in unrepentant sin? If so, you need a reality check. Cast away whatever thoughts you are telling yourself that soothe your conscience enough to allow you to continue in unrepentant sin. Is it a small sin in comparison to sins you see in others? Do you comfort yourself with thoughts of mercy and forgiveness? Is your comfort found in vague plans to change soon? These thoughts are lies. The path of the wicked is abomination to God. Sin disgusts Him. God will not hear those who actively and stubbornly persist in known sin. On the other hand, are you discouraged today because you have failed once again? Are you sincerely battling sin but find that the more you battle, the more you are aware of how great a sinner you really are? Do you feel ashamed and hesitant to approach God seeking help because surely He will not hear the same tired words of confession? You need to be reminded of how God thinks. He loves those who are engaged in the battle. His love is not contingent on you suddenly finding strength in some forgotten reserve of self-power. He loves the fact that you are fighting. God loves sincerity. This comforting discovery about God is empowering. Walk in this powerful knowledge today.