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"Clobbering 'Biblical' Gay Bashing": Jesus Condemned Homosexuality, II
Posted by: Master Ministries International, Inc. | more..
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Jesus’ love for friends

The LBGTQ community also accuses Jesus of some sort of same sex love toward his friends. In particular, they describe Christ's love for his disciple John in this vein. After all, John leaned upon Christ during the last supper that Jesus had with his disciples. (9) At another time, a man came to Jesus and questioned how to obtain eternal life. Jesus loved him, too. (10) And how about Lazarus? (11)

Sadly, the homosexual community never lets the facts get in the way of their arguments. They follow the dictum, “Don’t confuse me with the facts, because I’ve already made up my mind.” The accusations regarding Jesus’ love for his friends fit into this description.

The word for “love” used to describe Christ's love for his friends does not include any attributes of lust or sexual connotation. The original word, agape, describes a love driven by a deliberate act of the will without any inherent feature in the object loved as the source or cause of love. It differs from the two other Greek words commonly translated “love” in the New Testament, which describe friendship or sensual love. Thus, to imply a same sex love from Jesus toward his friends or even a heterosexual love for a woman denies the meaning of the word used to describe Christ's love for people.

Jesus and the Centurion’s slave

In a further attempt to prove that Jesus did not speak against homosexuality, the LBGTQ community recites the story of Christ's healing of a centurion’s slave. As their interpretation goes, Jesus did not speak against homosexuality in this clear instance of a centurion and his homosexual slave. (12) The homosexuals refer to the word “pais” used to describe the centurion’s slave. In their judgment, the word means “boy” with homosexual connotations.

They assert that since Jesus did not mention nor condemn homosexuality in this clear instance of a homosexual relationship between the centurion and his slave, he did not view it as evil.

Again, the homosexual community fails to follow proper interpretation rules to arrive at their conclusion. A fundamental rule of Biblical interpretation eliminates conclusions on any theological doctrine in reliance upon silence. No one can prove anything from silence, since many sides of an issue can claim that silence confirms their position. This rule forms the bottom line in Biblical interpretation.

Second, the word “pais” can mean more than one sense as the homosexuals conclude. In fact, its semantic range can describe a boy or a girl from the age of one to 14. (13)The text does not provide any clue as to the sex or the age of the slave. Thus, the conclusions of the LBGTQ community fail again in their attempt support their beliefs.

Third, Matthew and Luke record this incident. Luke records the events in detail. For example, Luke states that the centurion did not come to Jesus directly. He sent Jewish elders to request healing for his slave. Then, when Jesus healed the slave from a distance, the centurion sent his friends to tell Jesus that he did not need to come to his house. So, Jesus did not meet the centurion personally. Jesus met those whom the centurion sent to him.

Fourth, Luke uses a different word to describe the servant than Matthew uses. Luke utilized the word “doulos.” (14) This word does not have any age or sexual connotation attached to it. It merely means slave or servant. Furthermore, to further complicate the issue, the centurion used both words in his comments regarding his servants. Therefore, the text provides no clear evidence of the sex or age of the sick servant, directly contradicting the assumptions of homosexuals regarding this incident.

“Freedom to disagree with the Bible is an illusory freedom; in reality it is bondage to falsehood.” (John Stott)

Dr. Stott’s statement describes the circumstances of the homosexual community today. They arrived at conclusions, which they claim the Bible supports, that clearly contradict what the Bible actually teaches. Therefore, they believe fallacies.

Jesus condemned homosexuality during his ministry. He confirmed God's created order, male and female. He ratified God's purpose for marriage, one man and one woman. He denounced all forms of sexual perversion, including homosexuality, lesbianism, incest, adultery, fornication, prostitution, and incest. To declare otherwise, denies Biblical truth.

During his earthly ministry, Jesus gathered with sinners of all sorts, including those just described. He never condoned their sin. He continuously demanded repentance and forgiveness of sin from sinners. Jesus called them to trust him and him exclusively for salvation from their sin.

The Bible applies that same message for our day, too. God accepts only those who come to him through repentance from their sin and faith in Jesus Christ, God's provision for sinners. Jesus said it plainly in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son; that whosoever believeth in him hath everlasting life.”

You may have heard this message previously, and believed it. You have repented and believed as Christ demands. You know the reality of these promises in your life, have become a child of God, and a member of Christ's kingdom.

However, maybe you have not yet followed these Biblical requirements. As he did many years ago, Christ still calls people like you and me to join his kingdom. He said it like this: “Repent and believe the gospel…come unto me, all you who labor and are heaven laden, and I will give you rest.” (15) I urge you to heed his call today. Everyone who responds to his call, he accepts, regardless of past or present behavior. Trust Christ today.


01. Matthew 5.27-32

02. Deuteronomy 29.1-4

03. Matthew 19.1-12

04. Genesis 1.27; 2.18-24

05. Matthew 19.1-12

06. Logos Bible Software, V. 4. “Strong’s Concordance.” “fornication.”

07. Matthew 15.1-20

08. Logos Bible Software, V. 4. “Strong’s Concordance.” “fornication.”

09. John 14.23

10. Mark 10.21

11. John 11.5

12. Matthew 8.5-13; Luke 7.1-10

13. Logos Bible Software, V. 4. Brown, Colin. “New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology.”

14. Strong, James. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Abington Press, Nashville, TN and New York, NY. 1890.

15. Mark 1.15; Matthew 11.28.

This excerpt comes from the ebook, Homosexuality, Christians, and the Church. You can find information for it at this link:

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Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: By Tom Hill. © Thomas P Hill. Website:

Personal Information: Tom graduated with a BS degree from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI and a MA degree in Ministry from Luther Rice Seminary, Lithonia, GA. He began writing a newsletter in 1981 and started a blog on his website in 2008. Every month, thousands of visitors from all over the world come to his web sites and view his blogs. In 2009, he published the book, Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and his web site, (including Kindle and eBook formats). To invite Tom to speak at your college, Church, or group, you can contact him by email

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