Many people attempt to reconcile homosexuality with the Bible. However, such efforts fail. You cannot reconcile truth with error. The battle to legitimize homosexuality begins with an all out attack upon the Biblical record of Sodom. This assault changes the story of Sodom from homosexuality to inhospitality. It further misinterprets the other references to Sodom in the Bible to refer to acts other than homosexuality.
When all else fails, and the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community cannot alter the clear meaning of a Biblical text that refers to homosexuality, they simply reject it as irrelevant to the issue. Thus, they, in essence, remove any passage of Scripture that remotely describes the sinfulness of homosexuality.
These misinterpretations and denials developed into an accepted error. They form the foundation of the homosexual movement. Those in the LGBTQ community believe that the Bible legitimizes their behavior. In fact, many professing evangelicals accept and promote these errors, too. Consequently, it appears that the Bible not only fails to condemn homosexuality, it actually permits it.
Do we believe falsely that Sodom and Gomorrah exemplify the sin of homosexuality? What happened that night when the men of Sodom confronted Lot? How does the Bible characterize Sodom? Has the homosexual community interpreted the Bible correctly? Should evangelicals and non-Christians accept the LGBTQ version?
These questions deserve a response. The Bible provides ample confirmation of God's attitude toward homosexuality. In particular, the Bible explains what occurred that night in Sodom. It makes it an example throughout all of Scripture. A comparison of Bible texts confirms the Bible’s stance on Sodom and homosexuality, which contradicts the version promoted by the LGBTQ community.
The proper understanding of the events in Sodom actually begins many chapters before the record in Genesis 19. It begins prior to the flood as recorded in Genesis 6. As God viewed the world before the flood, he described the wickedness of mankind and the total corruption of humanity. (1) This awful wickedness included the full range of sexual immorality: fornication, incest, and homosexuality, even homosexual marriage. (2) The practice of homosexuality predates the flood.
After the flood, the Bible records another homosexual event. After Noah and his family departed from the Ark, Noah planted a vineyard. Sadly, he drank too much of the fruit of the vine and became drunk. The wickedness of Ham ensued. Ham uncovered the nakedness of his father, whom Ham saw lying drunk on the floor of his tent. (3)
This description sounds innocent. When Ham saw his father, it literally means that he gazed with satisfaction upon his nakedness. (4) His look occurred with purpose and intent, not accidentally or harmlessly. (5) When the Bible says that Ham uncovered the nakedness of his father, it describes sexual immorality. (6) Rabbinic exegesis of this passage indicates that Ham’s gaze turned into homosexual rape of his father. (7)
After the incident between Ham and Noah, Ham delightedly told his brothers what he had done. With great care, his brothers covered their father without observing his nakedness. After Noah awoke from his drunkenness, he learned of Ham’s behavior toward him. Then, because of Ham’s wicked act, Noah cursed Ham’s son, Canaan. (8)
The effects of Ham’s wicked act upon Noah and Noah’s curse upon Canaan do not appear until Genesis 13. This chapter records the split between Abram and his nephew Lot. Abram gave Lot the first choice of land, which allowed Lot to separate from Abram and to take his family and herds to a new location. Lot chose the Plain of Jordan and moved his family toward Sodom in the Plain of Jordan.
The Canaanites occupied Sodom. (9) Genesis 13.13 describes the people of Sodom as “wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.” Adam Clarke, in his commentary upon this passage, said that it describes persons breaking the established order of things, openly before God. Radically evil, they sought satisfaction in sensual gratification with depraved, shameless, out of order passions. (10)
Not long after Abram and Lot separated, God appeared to Abram in the form of three persons. God renewed his covenant promise to Abram and then prepared to leave. As the three men rose up to depart, they told Abram of their plan to visit Sodom. They told him that they had heard the outcry of Sodom, because of their grievous sin. They planned to visit the city to see first hand the condition of the city. (11)
In fact, the practice of homosexuality permeated the Canaanite peoples long before the record of Sodom. The Mesopotamian, Middle Assyrian, and Hittite peoples (descendents of Canaan) openly practiced homosexuality in those days. Eventually, this wicked practice became commonplace in Grecian and Roman cultures. (12)
Two of the three men who visited Abram continued on there way to visit Sodom, knowing its wickedness. At Lot’s insistence, they did not stay out in the city square at night as planned, but went into Lot’s house. While there, the men of the city came to Lot and demanded that he release the men to them in order that they might know them. The two men protected Lot by sending blindness upon the men of the city. In the morning, the two men dragged Lot, his wife, and his two daughters out of the city and then destroyed it. (13)
In contradiction to the LGBTQ version of these events, the Bible clearly depicts the homosexual wickedness of Sodom, which began many years previously. This passage contains several key elements that require explanation. Together with the context in the Bible (and nonBiblical records) these delineate the homosexual behavior of Sodom. A proper understanding begins with the meanings of key words in the text.
The men of the city
The LGBTQ community has diminished the emphasis of this phrase. They describe it merely as a delegation of men who came to see Lot. Yet, the text clearly states that “all of the men of the city, including young and old, from every part of the city, came to Lot’s house.” (14) They did not come to Lot’s house to welcome his guests into the city nor to interrogate them. They came with one purpose: to have homosexual sex with them.
The understanding of the intent of the men of the city comes with the proper use of the word know. This word has different functions in the Bible. Therefore, the context of its use provides insight to its meaning within the text. The context for the meaning of this word in this text begins early in Genesis. On three previous occasions, it appears as a euphemism for sexual intercourse. (15)
In the immediate context, the conversation between Lot and the men of the city show that Lot understood their meaning as sexual intercourse. He called their demands wicked. Further, he offered his virgin daughters to them in an immoral attempt to satisfy their sexual desires. When he did, he described them as virgins who had not known man. (16)
Lot did not misunderstand the men’s demands as a request for an interview with his guests. He fully understood their sexual demands and rejected them, hoping he could persuade them to satisfy their passions upon his daughters. This event does not describe an attempt by the men of the city to interview Lot’s visitors. Nor does it hinge upon the failed interpretation of inhospitality by the men of Sodom.
The wicked behavior identified with Sodom and the surrounding peoples confirms this interpretation. Even Egyptian texts and traditions use know to describe sexual intercourse. (17) The LGBTQ community fails in its attempt to distort the true meaning of this term to support their agenda.
The Bible offers numerous references to this occasion and confirms its homosexual application. A brief review of these passages will verify it. Many passages use it as an example of how God detests wickedness and judges it. Sodom provides a vivid illustration.
Continued in "Clobbering 'Biblical' Gay Bashing": Sodom's Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?, II (including list of references)
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Personal Information: Tom graduated with a BS degree from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI and a MA degree in Ministry from Luther Rice Seminary, Lithonia, GA. He began writing a newsletter in 1981 and started a blog on his website in 2008. Every month, thousands of visitors from all over the world come to his web sites and view his blogs. In 2009, he published the book, Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and his web site, (including Kindle and eBook formats). To invite Tom to speak at your college, Church, or group, you can contact him by email
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