By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace. Hebrews 11:31
The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is known as the “Christian Hall of Faith”, differing from the various avenues offered by the world in its “Hall(s) of Fame”. In order to earn a place on the list in Hebrews 11, one must have performed a selfless act that resulted in a victory, glorifying the Lord. Rahab's act commenced in complete and total faith in the Lord God Almighty. Nothing or no one less would suffice.
In our text we find a lady who is ear marked in history as "the harlot". Albeit a negative designation, the faith she placed in the God of Israel fell second to none. As a result of her strong belief, her actions protected God’s men, thus awarding her safety from attack and a place in God’s greatest enumerations.
Friends, Rahab possessed a desperate faith, one born out of distress and trial, but nonetheless as strong as any faith mentioned in the word of God. Her desperate faith revealed she was given to Hospitality. Beloved, we find that Rahab was given to hospitality for the Lord’s people, opening her home in Jericho to the spies of Israel. Rahab was well aware of what had befallen nations in times past as God’s mighty hand was revealed in the acquisitions of lands promised to Abraham. Her hospitality allowed her to protect, provide and praise the spies. Sometimes, it take faith to be hospitable!
Rahab’s faith, however, was result of Hurting. Great fear and trepidation came upon all of the inhabitants of the city of Jericho. The testimony of God’s chosen had been made known throughout the entire world producing a feeling of desperation in the hearts of those that grew near the Israelites. The people of Jericho trusted in their walls and weapons for protection, yet Rahab had a faith that did not rely on that which man could do or build, but rather upon what God had done.
So often when we begin to hurt in our lives, it's because our feelings have been wounded or something occurs that distracts us from spending time with the Lord Jesus Christ as we should. Maybe you began playing church as opposed to practicing Christianity! Beloved, it is at this moment in your life that as a true Christian, one needs to exhibit a desperate faith by casting all of their cares and concerns upon Him, for He careth deeply for you.
Concerning Rahab, the faith that enabled her hospitality which resulted from her hurting was then Honored by God. She literally let down a lifeline for the Israelite spies and saved their lives. That same line became the saving thread for Rahab and her own family. She tied a scarlet thread in the window for all the world to see! This "scarlet thread" continues to flow into the ages we live in today and it was a thread recognizable by the Lord’s people.
Her desperate faith became a saving faith for all in her house, signified by a simple piece of scarlet material the color of blood.
It is a scarlet covering that has allowed this desperate faith to become a saving faith when one will cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ to cover their sins by the shedding of His blood.
Finally, concerning Rahab, her desperate and saving faith resulted in her family being Healed. Of all the people in the city, the only ones saved were the ones who had a desperate faith, a faith that allowed them to say that they will trust in nothing more that the Highest of High – a faith that allowed Rahab to say, “I will not hold back…I will not trust another."
Beloved, Rahab was as good as dead and might have suffered a fate like so many others. Jesus Christ proclaimed, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:” (John 11:25).
Because of her faith, Rahab and her family were saved. In Rahab, we see that even in the darkest moments of life, no matter who we are or what we have done, that the Lord will save those who place their unrelenting faith and trust in His Word.
In the darkest days of World War I, Field Marshal Haig of Great Britain issued a stirring order to his army. Allied losses were staggering. The number of casualties and wounded could hardly be counted. The order from Field Marshal Haig containing the famous phrase “with our backs to the wall" encouraged the British army and gave them renewed resolve. The quote from his original message, a copy of which has been preserved, reads:
“Every position will be held to the last man; there must be no retirement. With our backs to the wall and believing in the justice of our cause, each one of us must fight on to the end. The safety of our homes and the freedom of mankind alike depend upon the conduct of each one of us at this critical moment.”
A desperate faith becomes a saving faith...
By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not...