1. Hallelujah, praise the Savior, For in old eternity; Christ our Surety pledged to save us, He from sin would set us free. Lo! He left His throne of glory, Came into this world of woe; Satisfied God’s law and justice, To pay all the debt we owe.
2. Hallelujah, praise the Savior, For He bore our sinfulness; He redeemed His chosen people, Brought in peace and righteousness. Jesus bruised the head of Satan, Put away iniquity; Reconciled us to the Father, When He died on Calvary.
3. Hallelujah, praise the Savior, On Him all our hopes depend; Prophet, Priest and King of glory, What a true and faithful Friend! Robed in pure and righteous garments, Soon in heaven we shall be; Then with all the ransomed army, Praise His Name eternally.
“The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath My word, let him speak My word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD. Is not My word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:28-29)
PROOF OF THE VILENESS OF SIN To learn the vile nature of sin, that is, the exceeding wickedness of it and what an evil, horrible and abominable thing it is to God, look no further than the humiliation, agonies, bloodshed, sufferings and death of the Son of God. Nothing could make atonement for sin, nothing could satisfy the broken law of God, nothing could appease the demands of offended justice except the substitutionary sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Estimate the evil nature of sin by the price required to put it away: Christ’s offering of Himself in the stead of His people. –Pastor Jim Byrd
A Christian man is never long at ease; when one trial is over, another doth him seize. –John Bunyan
PARTICULAR, EFFECTUAL REDEMPTION In the Word of God, redemption was always for a specific people. In the garden of Eden, the animals that the Lord killed were for Adam and Eve, not for any of the fallen angels. When Abel offered to God the firstling of his flock, he brought it for himself and his family, not for Cain and his family. When the passover lambs were killed, they were sacrificed for the firstborn of the Israelite families, not for the firstborn of the Egyptian families. On the Day of Atonement when the high priest of Israel killed a goat and offered it to God upon the altar, that sacrifice was only on the behalf of Israel, not for any other nation. Even so, Christ came into this world to redeem a specific people, the elect of God. When He laid down His life, it was to satisfy justice for those given to Him by the Father in the covenant of grace. Let there be no misunderstanding here, we consider the teaching of universal redemption to be heresy because it is contrary to the Word of God and makes the success of the Savior’s redemption dependent upon the will of sinners. The “Good Shepherd” did not lay down His life to make salvation possible for all mankind; He died for His sheep to put their sins away and reconcile them to God. John Own (1616-1683) made three logical declarations in defense of the truth of Christ’s particular, effectual redemption. Any person who honestly considers these three statements must acknowledge that they are reasonable. I have paraphrased his words. 1. If Christ died for all the sins of all men then all men must be saved and universalism is true because sin once atoned for, there remains no more ground for punishment. However, the teaching of universal salvation is contrary to the Scriptures which plainly state that many do in fact perish in their sins. 2. If Christ died for some of the sins of all men then no person will be saved because un-atoned sin must bring forth death. We know this theory is also false because there are some who are saved by the grace of God which means all of their sins were paid for by the death and resurrection of Christ. 3. If Christ died for all of the sins of some men then all of those in whose stead He laid down His life must be saved because their sins have been put away, separated from them as far as the east is from the west. Justice has been satisfied for them and since Christ has been condemned in their stead, those people must be saved. This is the doctrine of particular, effectual redemption which is the message of the Word of God. –Pastor Jim Byrd