Job 41:1 “Canst thou draw out Leviathan with an hook? Or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down….”
The Taming
It seems that from the very beginning we started to run away from God, at least from the time that we realize our own desire and will. The voyage is one of great danger, as we try to evade the very one who can bring us closer to why we are here and the things that really matter in life. We are running away from God without even knowing where it is we are headed. In our youth it seems that we not only lack purpose for our young and inexperienced lives, but true identity. Our personhood longs for significance and belonging. We want to be heard, and have recognition, and want others to know that we know something. We try our best to tell others what we know, but they are slow to listen. We fail to realize that God wants to give us a true since of significance and belonging. Yes, we relate to all these things rather poorly. Yet, God is patient with our slowness of heart to believe, and to have faith in him. He is teaching us that no one can give the kind of fulfillment in life that he can, until we cry out to him for the true meaning of who we are, and where we are going. The taming of my life belongs to God and him alone. No one has the wisdom to tame my heart and point my thoughts in the way of true meaning, but God.
Dear friend, let God have that opportunity to change your heart and life for good. It will benefit you and quiet your heart about many things in life, as well as focus your life like you have never known before. Job of old, even in the years of his life after he had children, property and friends, had to learn from God concerning the meaning of life. The Leviathan of your life needs taming and you cannot do it. If you keep trying, it will end in futility, without clear resolution and peace, but if you let God tame your, Leviathan, you will be the creation of God, for his glory. Have faith in God, trust your heart to him, and he will give your life true meaning and purpose. In Jesus Name. Pdlg.