OUR LORD’S RESURRECTION How can we be sure that the ransom demanded by justice for the release of the Lord’s captive people has been rendered? What evidence is there that sin has been put away and everlasting righteousness has been brought in? What truth certifies that Christ crushed Satan’s head at the cross? What proof is there that the holy law of God has been honored, our transgressions have been punished and our souls are safe forevermore? How do we know that those in whose stead He died are reconciled to God and freely justified? What guarantee do we have that the work of redemption is finished and that all who believe Him are freed from all fear of condemnation? As we face the reality of physical death, what reason does our Lord give to enliven hope that these bodies will someday put off mortality and live again? The resurrection of our Savior is the answer to all these questions. No wonder, then, that this truth is set forth frequently in the Word of God and verified by many witnesses. Paul said that the risen Christ was seen by over five hundred people at one time (1 Corinthians 15:6). His resurrection confirmed His claim of being the Son of God and tells us that His blood shed unto death has cleansed us from all sin. It announces that the Surety has paid our sin debt, ensures that we will be regenerated by the same power that raised Him from the dead and that our bodies will someday be fashioned like unto His glorious body. –Pastor Jim Byrd
CRITICISM AND PRAISE When Paul rebuked Peter (Galatians 2:11-21), he criticized him face to face, not behind his back. When Peter commended Paul (2 Peter 3:15-16), he praised him, though not in his presence. If words of criticism are absolutely necessary, address them to the one who needs them. If you speak of someone in their absence, say something good about them or do not say anything at all. –Pastor Jim Byrd
THE GOD OF MY RIGHTEOUSNESS “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer...I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for Thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:1, 8). Reader! let us never lose sight of the Lord Jesus while reading this Psalm. He is the Lord our righteousness; and therefore, in all our approaches to the mercy seat, let us go there in a language corresponding to this which calls Jesus the Lord our righteousness. While men of the world, from the world are seeking their chief good, let us desire His favor which infinitely transcends corn and wine, and all the good things which perish in the using. Yes, Lord, Thy favor is better than life itself. Thou causest them that love Thee to inherit substance, and fillest all their treasure. Oh! Thou gracious God and Father, hast Thou in such a wonderful manner set apart one in our nature for Thyself? Hast Thou indeed chosen one out of the people? Hast Thou beheld Him in the purity of His nature, — as one in every point Godly? Hast Thou given Him as the covenant of the people? And hast Thou declared Thyself well pleased in Him? Oh! then, well may my soul be well pleased in Him also. Now do I know that my God and Father will hear me when I call upon Him in Jesus’ name, and when I look up to Him for acceptance for Jesus’ sake! Yes, my heart is fixed, O Lord, my heart is fixed; Jesus is my hope and righteousness; the Lord will hear me when I call. And henceforth will I both lay me down in peace and sleep securely in Jesus, accepted in the Beloved. “For this is the rest wherewith the LORD causeth the weary to rest, and this is the refreshing” (Isaiah 28:12). –Robert Hawker
Once more, like children, we are come, To banquet with our God; May each one feel himself at home, And feast upon Thy love.
While we receive the bread and wine, As emblems of Thy death; Lord, raise each soul above the sign, To feast on Christ by faith. -- William Gadsby