I want to encourage you today even as the Holy Spirit has lifted my spirits as we consider the state of our nation particularly where it comes to morality. Of course, many would immediately ask, “Who’s morality will we use as a standard by which to judge the morality of others?” Probably the majority of Americans would question where there is any objective definition of “right and wrong.” What is being taught in our secular institutions of education is that “everything is relative,” which means that there really is no such thing as right and wrong – it all depends on the set of circumstances in which the question is framed. The moral ground beneath us is shifting all the time and our culture is sinking in the quicksand of moral relativism.
As I said in Sunday’s sermon, “…America has become a toxic landfill of humanism, hedonism, egoism & idolatry. Marriage & the traditional family are degenerating into relics of a by-gone era. Perversion reigns. We rightfully lock up a coach for pedophilia & then pressure the Boy Scouts of America to permit homosexuals to be Scout Masters. We allow a woman to put to death her own child while we lock up someone who causes the death of that same infant (other than the mother). We’re truly a nation w/out a moral compass.”
So, where’s the encouragement in all this? Well, maybe in Hollywood, of all places. I received an email this morning from a friend of mine who asked for prayer for gospel opportunities among Hollywood’s movers and shakers. He specifically asked for prayer for “the Movieguide Gala on Friday night. There are only seven major production companies in Hollywood, around thirty decision makers, and Ted Baehr of Movieguide, has their ear. Movieguide is making a significant impact on Hollywood, encouraging executives to make movies and television programs with more family values and Christian content.”
Then he asked that we pray for the “pour(ing) out (of) His Spirit upon my friend Brian Harrington who speaks tonight (Feb. 18) at the Roxy theatre in Hollywood. His brother, Gerald, a deal maker in the entertainment industry, died last week and there is a memorial service tonight at the Roxy where many will pay tribute to Gerald. Brian is speaking last and will give them Jesus, so please pray for the Spirit to work powerfully tonight.” Wow! God’s Spirit is at work in places where we never consider as possibilities.
No matter how bad the culture may become, our God has still called us to be “salt and light” in the midst of the decay. And lest we forget, the first three centuries of Christianity was the fastest growing period of church history to date yet, that occurred in the midst of tremendous opposition, persecution and a debased, corrupt Greco-Roman culture.
As Pastor David Jeremiah put it in his book Until Christ Returns, “…this is not a time to climb into a white robe, sit on a fence, and get a stiff neck looking up into the sky, waiting for the Lord’s return. This is a time to get busy for God. Use the powers and energy and gifting He gives you. Maximize the time…Share the gospel, teach children, build up the weak, strengthen the faltering, encourage the fallen, and reach a strong hand to those who are hurting.” Amen – that’s solid biblical advice. Be encouraged! Every one of us can and must seek to make a difference in our community, this nation and the world in which the Lord has placed us.
By all means, come and be refreshed this weekend by those who are on the front lines of battle and seeing God’s Spirit do more than they have asked or even dreamed. The Lord our God is the mighty “God of the angel armies.” Is there anything too hard for Him? Hope to see you Friday evening at our world missions’ dinner.