Whitcomb Ministries is excited to announce that Dr. John Whitcomb is now representing Answers in Genesis as a creation speaker. While Dr. Whitcomb's work as president of Whitcomb Ministries will continue without interruption, this relationship with AiG will open up even more doors of opportunity, and will increase the possibility that you may be able to hear him speak at a location near you. The following announcement from AiG is reprinted with permission from the Answers Update (Vol. 13, Issue 3). Please note that it was written before the passing of Dr. Henry Morris on Feb. 25, 2006.
Classic talks by a classic author
The modern creation movement—now growing steadily across the nation—had its Genesis in the early '60s in a somewhat surprising fashion. It was not launched at a major rally or by a controversy in the courts or schools—nothing splashy whatsoever. In fact, the event was not even associated with the first chapter of Genesis. The movement's trigger was the publication of a book: The Genesis Flood by Drs. John Whitcomb and Henry Morris. These men are recognized as giants in the battle for biblical inerrancy. Both men are in their 80s, yet remain active in the creation movement in their own ways. Dr. Morris continues to write and Dr. Whitcomb still has a busy and impacting speaking ministry. With this issue of Answers Update, we are pleased to announce Dr. Whitcomb's availability to speak on behalf of AiG. By the way, Dr. Whitcomb is an excellent and gracious presenter. In fact, he received a standing ovation when he finished his presentation on the Genesis Flood at AiG's Mega Conference last summer. Dr. Whitcomb can give a variety of non-technical talks on creation and the Flood. He will bless your church (or churches—think about finding a few Bible-believing churches to band together and promote a regional meeting in an adequate-sized facility to host this "giant of the faith"). To start the process of booking what Ken Ham calls a "great warrior of the Christian faith who is also a superb communicator," call Steven Fazekas at ext. 438 (859-727-2222), or go to our easy-to-use webpage, www.AnswersInGenesis.org/RequestEvent. You won't be disappointed!