Our society is suffering from an identity crisis. Collectively and individually, people today don’t have a strong sense of who they are, what they want, or how to achieve it. They drift anchorless through life, following the whims and fads of the... [ ... ]
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-- recent blog posts -- 06/29/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Taking the... 06/27/17 - Honoring the Spirit by Honoring the... 06/25/17 - A More Sure Word of Prophecy 06/22/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Marks of a... 06/20/17 - Regulating Special Revelation 06/18/17 - Subjectivity and the Will of God 06/15/17 - Friday's Featured Sermon: "Spiritually... 06/13/17 - When Fancy Is Mistaken for Faith 06/11/17 - Are Mental impressions Divine... 06/08/17 - Friday's Featured Sermon: "A Warning to... 06/06/17 - Looking For Truth in All the Wrong... 06/04/17 - Special Revelation and the Work of the... 06/01/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “The Key to... 05/30/17 - Feasting on the Word of God 05/29/17 - Are You Reading or Feeding on God's... 05/25/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Four... 05/23/17 - Measuring Your Spiritual Growth 05/21/17 - Eliminating Spiritual Toxins 05/18/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Sound... 05/16/17 - The Living and Active Word of God 05/14/17 - Watching Your Spiritual Diet 05/11/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Creation,... 05/09/17 - Reflecting on the Creation Series 05/07/17 - A Monument to Biblical Truth 05/04/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Through... 05/02/17 - The Gaping Holes in the Gap Theory 04/30/17 - The Exegetical Errors of the Day-Age... 04/27/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon:... 04/25/17 - The Fallacy of Uniformitarianism 04/23/17 - Dethroning the Judge 04/20/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Creation:... 04/18/17 - Naturalism as Religion 04/16/17 - Faith and Science, Falsely So-Called 04/13/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “I Am the... 04/11/17 - Frequently Abused Verses: Does God... 04/09/17 - Frequently Abused Verses: Did God... 04/06/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Fundamental... 04/04/17 - Frequently Abused Verses: Was Jesus... 03/30/17 - Friday's Featured Sermon: "A Testimony... 03/28/17 - You Might Be a Pharisee If . . . 03/26/17 - Legalism and the Conscience 03/23/17 - Legalism and Assurance 03/21/17 - Legalism and Sanctification 03/19/17 - Legalism and Salvation 03/16/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Why... 03/12/17 - Highlights from the 2017 Shepherds'... 03/09/17 - Salt, Light, and Social Justice 03/07/17 - The Light of the World 03/05/17 - The Salt of the Earth 03/02/17 - Friday’s Featured Sermon: “How to Face... 03/01/17 - Paul's Gospel Essentials: Resurrection... 02/27/17 - Paul's Gospel Essentials: Atonement and... 02/26/17 - The Unchanging Gospel 02/16/17 - Friday's Featured Sermon: "The... 08/21/16 - True Contentment 08/18/16 - Does Christ Want Us to Give Everything? 08/16/16 - Are We Physically Healed by Jesus'... 08/14/16 - Does Baptism Save You? 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