"The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty." Proverbs 10:15
It is a common but false assumption that the Bible considers the accumulation of wealth in a negative light. While we are not commanded to pursue wealth, we are not commanded or encouraged to be poor either. There is a temptation in some people’s minds to think that there is something spiritual about being poor. While God does care for the poor, His normal means for doing that is to move in the heart of one who has accumulated wealth. What good is a generous giver if he has nothing to give?
To be clear, while riches are not considered to be bad, we are warned against a love for or obsession with riches. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the blessings that God has provided for you and your family. There is something wrong with being so consumed with the accumulation of blessings, that the blessing becomes your object of worship. Rather than wanting to please God in using the blessing, we get to where we want to use God in order to please ourselves. The danger in riches is how we respond to them. Do you find your security in your income or possessions? God, who is the giver of all good things, is the only one worthy of our trust and confidence.