If you are in Christ, one day you will be transformed in glory. On that day you will live in beauty, joy, light, love and health. Every aspect of your life will be glorified beyond your highest imaginations. You will be completely healed physically, mentally, emotionally and relationally. Your existence will be as different from your present state as a full grown oak tree is from an acorn. You will be glorious.
My question for today is, are you becoming glorious? Our lives should not be one long series of defeats, sins and dissappointments until finally we get transformed at the resurrection. The same Holy Spirit lives in us today who will transform us then. He should already be transforming us.
However, there is one significant difference. If you are reading this, you are probably not dead yet. When Holy Spirit transforms you at your death, you will be completely passive (death demands passivity). Until then, you must act in cooperation with Holy Spirit in your sanctification. You do not sanctify yourself. But you do actively submit yourself to Him for his work.
We must go where he is and ask him to change us. He transforms our minds through the reading and preaching of his word.
He transforms our relationships as we take him by the hand and walk through our experiences together. He shows us what we should mourn, what actions we should re-interpret, and what we should forgive.
He transforms our bodies as we submit ourselves to his service, and free ourselves from addictions. He also heals our bodies as we seek out our elders and ask them to pray for us.
He transforms our sanity as we worship and pray. When we gather to worship and kneel to pray, we remember that God is on the throne, in control of every world event. Then we see the world rightly, and walk in the truth.
Are you being transformed? Are you becoming glorious?
When Tom Brady throws a touchdown pass, he is doing what comes naturally to him. It comes naturally because he has practiced it thousands of times. You too are doing what comes naturally to you. Are you practicing for glory? Does thinking biblically come naturally to you? Does loving sacrifically come natural to you? Does worshipping God come naturally to you?
Is Holy Spirit transforming you into someone glorious?