"Knowing The Truth" with Pastor Kevin Boling is a live, call-in radio program providing Doctrinal Dialog, Cultural Commentary and Insightful Interviews with some of today's foremost Christian authors and leaders.
Note: You can hear the live streaming by going to www.ChristianTalk660.com and clicking on the Listen Live button.
To say that the results of last night’s presidential election were disappointing is an understatement of national proportions. The results revealed an increased ambivalence toward and indeed an endorsement of state sponsored immorality. More than just our candidate lost last night. The Sanctity of Life suffered loss; the Sanctity of Marriage suffered loss. And the outcome was, as least, a tepid endorsement of state sponsored stealing – from the rich to the poor, and from one generation to another. While to some it may not have been as blatant as voting for the name of God to be removed from a political platform, yet in reality it was much worse, the 6th, 7th and 8th commandment were deemed to be irrelevant by a majority of our fellow citizens.
The spectacle of our cherished beliefs being rejected by half of our beloved nation is very disappointing and a very difficult reality for American Christians to absorb. It breaks our heart to see a people with so much privilege and promise squander the blessing of Almighty God. This is why we have every reason to be cast down.
“Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that arecast down” (2 Cor. 7:6) - while we cannot rejoice in the national election, we can rejoice in our eternal election as the people of God. While we lament the national trend toward unrighteousness, we rejoice in the impeccable righteousness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - the merits of which have been imputed to us by faith - And the power of which has been implanted in the soul of every true child of God. These spiritual realities of our heavenly citizenship supersede and overshadow earthly dissatisfaction. In fact, they are used of God to prevent temporal disappointment (though deep and real) from destroying us by driving us into despair. And they should also empower us to press on in our efforts proclaim the Truth of God’s Word throughout the nation and around the world.
Let’s not spend an undue amount of time, analyzing all of the political dynamics of this failed election. Rather, as the results reveal, there is much work to be done spiritually in this nation. Let’s double our efforts: We must work to prevent even greater moral decay. We must work to present the Truth in even more convincing manner. We must work to prepare our children for a very different nation than the one in which we were raised. God is still on the throne and the ultimate victory is certain. “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren iscast down, which accused them before our God day and night” (Rev. 12:10)
On the first part of the program today, I will speak with Warren Cole Smith from WORLD Magazine for some post election analysis.
Then I will speak about some of the lessons we as Christians should draw from this election.
The “Knowing The Truth” Radio Program, originates in Greenvile, SC on a 50,000 watt station covering all of South Carolina, as well as parts of North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee.
Additionally, the program is available nationally and internationally by means of a daily live webcast via the Internet. The program airs live on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11:00am - 12:00 noon EST on Christian Talk 660AM and 92.9FM.
A Toll-Free Number (1.888.660.9535) is open during the program to take your questions or comments.