One of America's leading pastors and broadcasters, Dr. David Jeremiah, is a dear brother and fellow evangelical minister. I believe it is safe to say that we would agree on all the essentials of the gospel though I doubt that he would label himself as “Reformed” in his theology. In any event, we agree on a whole lot more than we disagree about. In reference to the upcoming elections, Dr. Jeremiah recently said, "This time, vote your values, your beliefs, your convictions. Over the last years I've traveled, I've been asked this question over and over again: 'Dr. Jeremiah, do you think God is finished with America?' But that is the wrong question. The right question is, 'Is America finished with God?' Over these next days as we pray...and vote, we can send a strong message to the watching world that we are still one nation under God."
I agree with this dear man up to the point of sending a message to the world. I don’t think that’s what our vote is all about. We are not “one nation under God.” We give occasional lip service to that motto at best. True believers have never been the majority in this land though we have had a strong influence on past cultures. I think the true nature of voting is obedience to God’s Word as a Christian both in terms of “rendering to Caesar that which is Caesars’” as well as being a good citizen of this kingdom as we are to be of the ultimate kingdom in heaven.
Beyond this, our vote impacts far more than just who will occupy a given seat of authority and responsibility. Our vote impacts the unborn, the poor, education, the military, foreign nations, health care, freedoms, small businesses and large corporations, our children, their children and their children’s children, and the list goes on ad infinitum.
To vote is a privilege of great magnitude and must not be ignored for the sake of personal inconvenience, forgetfulness or any other reason that I can think of save true providential hindrance. Whether you consider yourself an independent, libertarian, Democrat or Republican, it is still your right to vote as an American citizen. But just like a broken arm or leg that must be exercised in order for the appendage to function in a healthy manner, so too we must exercise this precious right to vote if we are to continue to be a free republic, which does affect our freedom to publicly proclaim the gospel to anyone who will listen.
As to being “one nation under God” --- well, it seems to me that that has far less to do with voting than it does on whether God is pleased to pour out His Spirit upon us in true revival power so that hearts are transformed. That alone will change this nation that we love (and some of us have fought for) so that the dramatic downward spiral depicted in Romans 1:16ff is slowed if not altogether stopped as it was in the days of Nineveh under Jonah’s preaching.
May God be pleased to grant such an awakening as He did in Great Britain and America in the 19th and early 20th centuries. So, as your friend and pastor, let me sign off by simply saying, “See you at the polls.”