"Knowing The Truth" with Pastor Kevin Boling is a live, call-in radio program providing Doctrinal Dialog, Cultural Commentary and Insightful Interviews with some of today's foremost Christian authors and leaders.
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This interview has been ** Rescheduled***
Uh oh, another book on modesty. And look, here’s a surprise…it’s written by men.
Is that sort of what you’re thinking? If so, we want to assure you that this book is different. We promise.
When it comes to discussions of modesty among Christians, the problems you have probably experienced and the challenges we face as authors have the same root: expectations based on experience. Christians have come to associate any discussion of modesty as necessarily involving a certain focus and vocabulary. We just know that words like “spaghetti straps” and “bikinis” will very quickly become part of the conversation. Maybe even “head coverings.” And when a man is the speaker or the author or the one leading the discussion? That’s when women, in particular, often brace themselves, fearing an assault on their fashion sense and wondering if they are about the be blamed for all male struggles with sexual lust. Does he think I have to be ugly to be godly?
We know this is a problem. We’ve read those books, heard those sermons, attended those small groups, and reviewed those pamphlets.
And we are just as perplexed and frustrated as you are.
That’s why we knew from the start that this book had to be different. In the pages that follow, we are not going to focus on your wardrobe. In a sense, we don’t even care about your wardrobe. But we care a great deal about your heart, and that is true whether you’re a man or a woman. We want to see your heart so gripped by the gospel of grace that modesty becomes beautiful and desirable to you, not just in your wardrobe but in all of life. We want you to understand that modesty isn’t just motivated by the gospel, it’s an entailment of the gospel—it flows naturally from a solid grasp of the gospel.
On the program today, my guest will be RW Glenn.
R W Glenn is an author and the Pastor of Preaching and Vision at Redeemer Bible Church in Minnetonka, MN. He has written Drive By Theology, Drive By Church History, and The Biggest Question for Wretched Radio and Television, and in 2012 Shepherd Press will release his book, Crucifying Morality: How the Teaching of Jesus Destroys Religion. The “Knowing The Truth” Radio Program, originates in Greenvile, SC on a 50,000 watt station covering all of South Carolina, as well as parts of North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee.
Additionally, the program is available nationally and internationally by means of a daily live webcast via the Internet. The program airs live on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11:00am - 12:00 noon EST on Christian Talk 660AM and 92.9FM.
A Toll-Free Number (1.888.660.9535) is open during the program to take your questions or comments.