1. JESUS - What a matchless name, For the Son of God who came; God the Father sent His Son, Christ the Savior, Holy One, Christ the Savior, Holy One.
2. Praise His Name He saved my soul, Washed my sin and made me whole; On the cross of Calvary, Jesus bled and died for me, Jesus bled and died for me.
3. Once for sinners crucified, Justice Jesus satisfied. Blessed Substitute was He, For He gave His life for me, For He gave His life for me.
4. From the grave the Lord arose, Conquered over all my foes; Now enthroned in heav’n on high, All I need He will supply, All I need He will supply.
5. What a mighty, gracious Friend, He will keep me to the end; I will praise His blessed Name, Give Him glory, spread His fame, Give Him glory, spread His fame.
TUNE TO "TAKE MY LIFE" 77.77 WORDS BY JIM BYRD ***************************************************************************
CONGREGATIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS TODAY: MORNING: 2 CORINTHIANS 6:14-18 EVENING: LUKE 17:1-10 *************************************************************************** "A MORE EXCELLENT SACRIFICE" There are those who madly dream of acceptance with a holy God at the expense of divine justice. In vain they acknowledge Him in some of His perfections, but they deny Him in others, trampling them with indifference beneath their feet. Such was Cain in the offering that he presented to the Lord. There was an acknowledgment of His dominion and goodness, but no distinct recognition of His holiness, no solemn apprehension of His justice, no conviction of guilt, no confession of sin and no understanding of the need of an innocent substitute to suffer the penalty of disobedience in his stead. The claims of God’s moral government were entirely set aside, and, by consequence, the necessity of a Mediator totally denied. Not so with Abel; his offering honored God in that in which He most delights to be honored, in His spotless purity, His inflexible justice, and His infinite grace in the appointment of a worthy Savior for the pardon of iniquity, transgression and sin. Therefore it is recorded, and we do well deeply to ponder it, that "by faith, Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain" (Hebrews 11:4).
But this was only an outline of God’s justice – the mere type and shadow. The Antitype and embodiment are seen in Christ offering Himself up a whole burnt offering to God amid the awful blaze which was beheld ascending from the summit of Mount Calvary. Then this perfection appeared in its most fearful form: Christ bearing sin, Christ enduring the curse of the law, Christ sustaining the wrath of His Father, Christ surrendering His holy soul a sacrifice for man’s transgression. Oh, never did divine justice so imperatively assert its claims and so loudly demand its rights, never did it so strictly exact its penalty, and so fearfully grapple with its victim, as at Calvary; and never before or since had such a Sacrifice been fastened to its altar. Never did Jehovah appear so just as at the moment the fire of His wrath descended upon His only begotten and well-beloved Son. –copied and edited *************************************************************************** JUSTIFICATION God the Father contrived the scheme and method of justification; it would have been a puzzling question to angels and men, had not He resolved it; "How should man," sinful man, "be just with God?" But God, in His infinite wisdom, "found a ransom," a Ransomer, a Redeemer of His people, to bring in everlasting righteousness for them, and thereby acquit and discharge them, and "deliver them from going down to the pit" of ruin and destruction. "God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself." God was with Him, forming the scheme of their peace and reconciliation, of their redemption, justification, and salvation. "Not imputing their trespasses," but the righteousness of His Son to them (Job 33:24; 2 Corinthians 5:19). –John Gill *************************************************************************** The resurrection, ascension, enthronement and mediatoral reign of our Lord Jesus Christ testify that He successfully redeemed His people. God’s elect have been bought with His blood, justice has been satisfied, sin has been put away and everlasting righteousness has been brought in. The fact that our Lord is seated upon His throne is undeniable evidence that the work has been accomplished to the Father’s full satisfaction. –Pastor Jim Byrd