We encourage you to tune in to our live webcasts! As always, we appreciate any feedback that you may have. Feel free to contact us and let us know if you have been enjoying this service.
June was a flurry of activity leading to our annual youth camp. Pastor Courtney Lewis from Chicago preached to 85+ teens and Pastor Mark Montgomery preached to 50+ juniors.
Sunday night, July 8th, Michael Hunt will preach. We are examining him as a possible replacement for Pastor Bill Hardecker who will leave us in 2013 to be on deputation to go to the Philippines. July 16-20 is our annual Vacation Bible School daily from 9:00-11:30am. Sunday night, July 29th, our youth will present their burden to go to Montana in August to help plant a new church. Saturday, August 11th we hope to meet many folks at our Red Lion Street Fair booths.
Remember the Reformers’ Unanimous (RU) that meets every Friday night from 7 to 9 in our Gym for the purpose of helping anyone who is addicted to anything.
In a day when churches nationwide are in a state of flux, giving-in to new philosophy’s of purpose-driven ministry and changing doctrines, Mt. Zion Baptist Church remains the way we have always been—“Church, the way it used to be.” We stress solid Bible preaching and teaching, emphasize individual and family living for Christ, focus on reaching out to our community and the world with the Gospel, and try to guard against the influx of worldliness into the church.