I simply could not have imagined such a resource before getting my hands on it!
To have that much information from a consistent, biblical, orthodox, and gospel-centered point of view is simply astonishing .
Anyone who admires the Puritans simply must have the Puritan Hard Drive .
From Pastors to Ph.D. candidates, there is simply nothing else out there that puts so much at your fingertips .
What an amazing tool for pastors . .. thank you for your work.
Soli Deo Gloria!
I actually need to buy another Puritan Hard Drive ! I was in Zambia showing it to Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and he absolutely fell in love with it. I simply had to leave it there.
It is a valuable tool , and I meant everything I said about it. All of our guys love it. We'll probably start buying them for our interns and leadership/elder training students as well.
Soli Deo Gloria!
- Dr. Voddie Baucham , Reformed Baptist Pastor (Grace Family Baptist Church, Spring, TX, Voddie Baucham Ministries, etc.), Author, Conference Speaker, Seminary Professor, Church Planter, etc. Dr. Baucham's sermons are free on Sermonaudio .
"I actually need to buy another Puritan Hard Drive ! I was in Zambia showing it to Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and he absolutely fell in love with it. I simply had to leave it there." - Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr.
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