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Dibbet, Scott | St. George, Ontario
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Webcast: Communion Service: Judah Invited to Reason With The Lord Concerning Their Sins |
Votum and Salutation Psalter 257: 1,2,3 Reading of the Law Psalter 386: 1,4 Scripture Isaiah 1: 1-20 Pastoral Prayer Psalter 222: 1,4,5 Sermon: Judah Invited to Reason With The Lord Concerning Their Sins 1 The persons addressed by this invitation 2 The earnestness contained in this invitation 3 The promise attached to this invitation Psalter 255: 6 Celebration of the Lord's Supper Psalters 203; 426: 9 Closing prayer Psalter 446: 2 Benediction Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow |
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