Barry Smith in his analysis of Paul’s view of mankind and the judgment that all men fall under states,
Paul’s use of “every mouth” and “the whole world” should not be interpreted to mean that he thinks that all human beings and not just Jews are “in the Law.” Rather, gentiles come to know vicariously of the impossibility of being declared righteous from the works of the Law through Jewish experience, which serves as representative for all human beings.
Paul’s discourse in Romans 7: 7 – 23 further shows the Apostle’s view of mankind. It is not that man is as bad as he could be, no, the common grace of God prevents this, but mankind is sold into bondage under sin. A complete exposition of this text is not possible in the space allotted here but it is beneficial to summarize what the Apostle has in mind by quoting the thesis of his exposition; “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.” Paul’s view of mankind is not unique to Paul. Several passages of the Old Testament speak to the inherent wickedness of mankind and mankind’s complete inability to do anything but evil. Perhaps one of the earliest of the Old Testament is Genesis 6: 5, “The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” As God foretold the impending judgment upon wickedness, it was not that men had transgressed His basic human responsibilities but rather man’s intentions were evil all the time. Putting this in New Testament terminology, the depravity of man had infected every part and parcel of his being. There was not one thing that man did that was not utterly sinful and depraved. True, that the men of Noah’s day no doubt acted gratuitously in this sinful condition but the indictment of God fell during the flood of the earth on the wicked hearts of all men. Paul’s formulation in Romans seven serves only to affirm this Old Testament assertion and further apply its truths to the indictment the Apostle leveled against all men throughout history. The reason why evil “lies close at hand” is because that is simply who men are; they are evil. It is their nature to do evil; it is their pride and joy. Paul codifies this truth in this discussion and thereby expresses his unmitigated view of mankind as hopelessly evil. One last point must be highlighted here before an honest examination of Paul’s non-synergistic soteriology can be undertaken. It is not just that men are sinful; completely depraved and given to the lusts of their flesh and mind. Sinfulness is the legacy that all mankind had inherited. As Paul stated in Romans 3: 23, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” This does not mean that all are sinners because they have sinned but rather all have sinned because they have inherited a legacy of sin from their common forefather Adam. What men do is simply an expression of who they are. To say otherwise denies one of the clearest teachings of scripture and denies the fact that men cannot and will not seek God on their own initiative. To this legacy a brief survey must now be examined.