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Choudary Says Jesus Would Have Been a Muslim
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Imam Anjem Choudary, the problem child from the UK speaks again. This time, as in all other times, he proves he has no clue about history or Christianity. He stated that Jesus would have been a Muslim. [1] In fact, he goes so far as to say that Jesus would be a radical terrorist of Islam and would be behind bars. It's unfortunate that Choudary has become little more than a caricature of himself.

The idea that Jesus would have been a Muslim AND a terrorist is absurd, but so is Islam. First of all Jesus was incarnated into the world hundreds of years before Muhammad, but maybe Choudary’s rusty on his history. I realize that in some ways, there are Muslims who believe that Islam has been around since the dawn of time and that Jesus was merely one of many Islamic prophets, with Muhammad being the most recent.

But even if that were true, then Choudary is admitting that Jesus was actually not Islamic and of course, that’s a good thing. Moreover, Jesus was not a violent person at all, if the Bible means anything and it does.

It must be fun to pretend the Bible is not a viable document, yet apparently, other “holy” books like the Qur’an speak the truth. The writings or sayings of Confucius are to be taken as factually evident, but the people who wrote about Jesus got it all wrong. No, Jesus was not a peaceful individual, but someone who equals a terrorist of today? How do you even come up with that garbage and expect to be taken seriously.

It’s very similar to when Elton John stated not too long ago that Jesus was a gay man living in Jerusalem. Really? And by what authority or insider knowledge does Mr. John have that the rest of us are not privy to having?

It is fine for Choudary and other radicals to make Jesus something he is not, but when the civilized world tries to tell the truth about Muhammad, all the radicals come out to condemn that person, in spite of the fact that truthful comments about Muhammad are being made.

No, it is clear that those within Islam is in the business of rewriting and redacting history to suit themselves. They want to present a purified Muhammad (impossible) and a completely human (and nothing more than human) Jesus. It may work for those who have been and continue to reject the salvation that is offered through Jesus, but for those of us who are in relationship with Him (salvation), it won’t work. We understand the truth. We understand that as Jude states, Jesus was fully human and God. “To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen,” Jude 25.

Anyone who knows anything about the rules of English knows that the phrase “God our Savior” refers to one individual and it is the same individual; Jesus is both God and Savior.

Let the world do what they need to do to assuage their aching consciences. They need to have their eyes opened, but I fear that even if God would open their eyes, they would continue to reject the truth. Fortunately, not all of them will do that. Many will react as did the thief on the cross. When God opened his eyes, he bowed in humble submission to the King of the Jews (Luke 23).

Imam Anjem Choudary is on a collision course with eternal damnation and I can only hope and pray that God will open his eyes so that he will come to understand that he preaches lies, like his father, the devil. This will sound hateful and spiteful to some, but it needs to be understood that truth will at times, seem that way, simply due to the situation itself, not the words that are used to address a situation.

The Anjem Choudaries of this world are on a collision course with eternal damnation because they stand opposed to God. God is holy and just, meting out perfect justice. He is not interested in who can shout the loudest, and who can dream the biggest as in Choudary’s case. God is interested in the lives of people. If not for the fact that God is love, I find it difficult to imagine how God can continue to reach out to people who continually scorn Him.

Yet, certainly in some sense, that was me before I became a Christian. During that time, I followed my own selfish desires and didn’t want too much if anything to do with God. I was concerned for myself; my wants and my desires. As I grew up, I realized that there is far more “out there” than I could imagine and it was that realization that prompted me to understand that God is there and loves me immensely.

He loves you the exact same way because there is no favoritism with God. The problem though is when people continue to reject Him, His love, and His salvation time after time.

I will readily admit that my salvation came to me because my eyes were opened to the truth. It is the truth that is found in Jesus and anyone who sees that truth and embraces that truth, receives His salvation (cf. Romans 10:9-10).

Imam Choudary believes he understands, but in fact, merely proves what he does not know. I pray that God will open his eyes to the truth so that he (Choudary) will have the opportunity to receive the salvation that I have; the salvation that is being offered to him at every turn.

People might say, well if it takes God to open a person’s eyes to the truth, how can God hold anyone accountable if they never choose His salvation? After all, God may not have opened their eyes. He might not have, but that does not excuse their lack of action anymore than Judas Iscariot would not be held accountable for what he did where Jesus is concerned. We are all guilty from the start and if God never opens a person’s eyes to the truth, that takes nothing away from Him. It simply proves that left to ourselves, we will always choose against God.

I hope that one day, Imam Anjem Choudary will come to know my Lord, my God, and my Savior – Jesus. Until that time (or he leaves this earth in death), I will continue to pray for the man. He has nothing but hatred in his life; hatred born of anger. This is what Islam teaches. It is impossible to be a “good” Muslim and not be a radical one. This is what Choudary is and this is how he lives. He does so because of what he sees, for right or for wrong.

If God were to open Choudary’s eyes, he would see the truth and have the opportunity to embrace it. That’s what I want to see. I want to see that miracle and to that end is how I pray. Will you join me in this prayer for the salvation of Anjem Choudary? It’s easy to become angry at him for his words and actions. He lives like that because of his understanding of the “truth.” Once he comes to know the actual truth, he will learn how that truth can affect his life, for all eternity.

[1] http ://ww w.the freel ibrar /Jesu s+wou ld+be +a+TE RRORI ST%3B +MUSL IM+EX TREMI STS+S AY+CH RIST+ WOULD

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