Our Father in Heaven, how can creatures like us praise Thee. Our feelings have difficulty in finding words. When we do find words, they are limited. You are great beyond our understanding and your ways are not our ways. You are holy and undefiled, and yet You came in Your Son Jesus Christ and dwelt among us. God came to earth. That too is beyond our comprehension. Men have tried to capture it in art. Men have tried to capture it in poetry. Yet, all men fall short in their praise of Thee. Yet, in our fallible and weak ways, we come this morning to praise and worship Thee. Not all men do. Not all men are Christians, and not all Christians know Thee as the Sovereign and Holy God. It is our privilege to give an offering of praise even though it is deficient and meager. We know that because the heart is willing, and because Christ’s purifies all that we do, that we can indeed come before You with praise and adoration, and that You will indeed be pleased.
Lord, we confess, that we have no hope apart from the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Before a Holy God, all of our righteousness are as filthy rags. We have sinned and gone our own way. We have failed in all that we do, and we have failed to do all that we should do. We are sinners who find no hope but in the blood of Jesus Christ. When we stand before Thee on the Judgment Day all that we can do is to point to the Lord Jesus Christ. We wear the robe of His perfect righteousness imputed to us because we come before Thy throne with a humble and contrite heart.
Lord, sanctify us. Help us to grow more each day so that sin does not hold its power over us. Even on our best days we struggle. Even in the midst of worship, we struggle. Even in the passion of prayer, we struggle. Sin is always before us seeking to catch us. Lord, we do not expect to be delivered from the harassment of the evil one in this life, but we do look for signposts of victory. We do look for the times when we can put sin to death and bury it. When we see victory, we find such great peace. We know we are in the Lord’s body, and more importantly that the Lord is in us. Help us to overcome the power of sin.
Lord, life can be hard. The sun does not shine every day. The storm clouds rise and flood the land. The winds blow hard and bend the trees to the ground. Our day of trouble always comes. Perfect peace will never be found in this world. Just when we are resting, the devil comes with temptation. Just when we have declared victory, we see the armies of Satan coming over the next hill. As we grow older, our battles change, but the battles there will always be. Until we die, help us to fight against sin and the difficulties of this world. Help us to fight the good fight of faith and like Paul be able some day to say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. In the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all those who have loved his appearing.”
Our Father, bless this Church in the days and years to come. Provide their every need. We thank you for those who began this work years ago. May they not be forgotten. We thank Thee for those who have been the core element of this Church. We forget that what we have did not just appear as manna in the wilderness. Much labor and work has given us what we have today. Patience and perseverance of many a saint has gone into this place. Some are gone and others are still here. We thank Thee for those who have gone before us.
Lord, send a shepherd who can shepherd the flock. Give them a man who will not fear to preach the whole counsel of God. Give them and encourager. Give them a man who will speak the truth in love. Lord, it is your Church. Fill the pews with saints who love to sing the praises to God. May the rafters shake and the clouds give attention to the voices of God’s people who love to praise Thee. May the world know that God is present with us.
May the love of Christ permeate our very being. May we have a reputation for good works. May the enemies of God fear us, because the Lord lives among us and He is powerful and answers the prayers of His people. May they flee like cowards and may the people of God be as bold as a lion.
Lord, hear our prayers. Be kind and answer us, we pray in Christ’s name. Amen.