Where were we? Oh yes, we were talking about some false things being taught in today's revival...
There's more. What about false views of the rapture? Did you know that the pre-tribulation rapture started as a "word" in a Pentecostal church many many years ago? It was picked up by Darby and Scofield and the rest and multiplied millions today believe that Jesus will show up just before the real Trouble breaks out on the planet, take His people to Heaven, then come a third time for the Second Coming? Did you know that?
The breaking down of Scriptural authority and its transfer to men calling themselves apostles today has led to chaos of all sorts. While no one doubts the fact that women are to be used in ministry, and even occasionally in teaching-authority, at least temporarily. But look today at the universal acceptance of female pastors and leaders throughout the "revival." If God never authorized this shift through a foundational apostle, who did?
Perhaps worst of all is this upheaval in church government. It was just such a shift that brought us all into the Dark Ages. The church of the first century was being persecuted, driven underground. But by the time it had been freed from its prisons 200 years later, a remarkable change was already taking place. Slowly the church structure evolved into its earthly counterpart, the Roman Empire. The rest is among the most awful of church history. Persecution of believers by believers. Blood. Martyrdom. From the church!
How men love power! Now, women follow them into this darkness.
Slowly today the emphasis has switched from the authority of Spirit-inspired apostolic Scriptures to "Spirit-inspired" modern apostles. Everyone, they say, is to figure out which of the five leadership positions is his, because everyone is probably either an apostle, a prophet, an evangelist, a pastor, or a teacher. Everyone. Some are more than one. Some are all.
Power! Give us the rule! Put us in charge! We know how to lead the church, you do not!
Ignored totally is the list of Paul in Romans and I Corinthians that delineates a whole host of possibilities, including these offices, for God's people. We assume many more are not even listed.
Change is in the wind. Everything is being shaken. Everything is up for grabs by men who love such grabbing.
I have seen the new order up close and it is only new the first few times you attend. After that it is very predictable.
a. Same loud rock music with the same sound systems and instruments. That guarantees the youth will be excited. Churches that do not allow this music are often low in young population.
b. Same basic order of service.
c. Same "new" teachings that now are becoming old.
d. Same "strange" manifestations which also are becoming a part of the scenery. Bodies on the floor, etc. A real shock at first, but not for long after. That's why some groups try for more and more...
e. One thing is very different: the faces before us. These men/women are not our pastors. They are speakers, apostles, prophets, teachers. This service is not called church. It is a conference. I just paid hundreds of dollars to attend it. My church will probably not get my offering today. My pastor will not get a hearing this week.He's there and I'm here.
One thing has troubled me through my whole stay here, though as I say there have been moments of joy and glory: In the Scriptures, unless you are willing to twist and shove, there is no revival forecast for the end times. None. Accepting it is part of the price of admission into this movement. Like the Emperor's new Clothes. No one would dare point out this lacking.
But a great apostasy is foretold in the Bible. Could it be that the apostasy could come in the form of a revival, a pseudo-revival? A revival that would be so far-reaching that it would encompass all Christendom and more in one huge religion?
If the teachings that have surfaced are any indication, this is exactly what is happening.
Church, beware! Listen carefully. Follow God's apostles! God cared enough for your well being that He found a way for you to receive a copy of everything important they ever taught. Read it. Listen to it. Compare it to what you have been hearing. And don't be afraid to speak out!
But, and I repeat, don't throw out revival in the process. Revival is still good, even when men are not.