Several weeks ago a prince passed from this world to the next. The Rev. Walter Bowie, Jr. graduated to glory and is now in the presence of the Christ he fearlessly and faithfully proclaimed to men. I first met Rev. Bowie when he preached in Carbondale, IL. His ministry was accompanied by the Spirit and power, and had a tremendous impact upon my life. During our time at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, we were literally 'just down the street' from the church Pastor Bowie served. Frequently on Sunday evenings we would attend the worship service at Koinonia Baptist Church. Sitting under Pastor Bowie's preaching did as much to shape and form my preaching as anything I learned in a classroom from a professor. I owe much to this faithful servant of God, and will miss his presence here on earth. I would encourage you to listen to this sermon on "The Sifting of the Saints." You will be blessed! Other sermons are also available at the Walter Bowie page on Sermonaudio