"The LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: He is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before Him: strength and beauty are in His sanctuary." (Psalm 96:4-6) ***************************************************************
1. Thy providence O gracious Lord, Has brought us to this place; May Thy great name now be adored, Thou Giver of free grace. ‘Tis not to honor flesh that we Now join our hearts as one; But we desire to worship Thee, Through Jesus Christ Thy Son.
2. To Thee, our Father, praises be, For blessings numberless; For grace from old eternity, Which we in Christ possess. Blest Lord, Thy wonders we confess, Thou Lamb of Calvary; For by Thy blood and righteousness, We are from sin set free.
3. Thou Holy Spirit, heav’nly Dove, We praise Thee for Thy grace; Because of Thy great pow’r and love, By faith we Christ embrace. O Sovereign God of earth and sky, This is our one design; Thy gracious name to magnify, May all the praise be Thine. *************************************************************************** CONGREGATIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS TODAY: MORNING: ISAIAH 46 EVENING: LUKE 7:1-18 *************************************************************************** Daily Readings- October 9-15 Sunday - Matthew 18-20 Monday - Matthew 21-22 Tuesday - Matthew 23-24 Wednesday- Matthew 25-26 Thursday - Matthew 27-28 Friday - Mark 1-3 Saturday- Mark 4-5
*************************************************************************** CHRIST AND HIS SPIRIT I rejoice that the Holy Spirit has been pleased to quicken us, show us our need of Christ and grant us repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus. Remember, however, it is not the Spirit’s work in us that made us the righteousness of God, but the Savior’s substitutionary sacrifice for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). Do not confuse the work of the Son of God and the work of His Spirit. The Spirit’s work within us is because of and the result of the Savior’s work for us in the satisfaction of divine justice. By His life and death He completely honored all the demands of the law for our justification and, as a result, we are completely freed from any possibility of condemnation. The Holy Spirit comes to ransomed sinners through the gospel and performs a miracle of grace within causing us to believe on Christ and rest in His work of redemption for our acceptance before God. -- Pastor Jim Byrd
*************************************************************************** SAVED! That one word - saved - is enough to make the heart dance as long as life remains. Saved! Let us hang out our banners and set the bells ringing. Saved! What a sweet sound it is to the man who is wrecked and sees the vessel going down, but at that moment discovers that the lifeboat is near and will rescue him from the sinking ship. To be snatched from the devouring fire, or saved from the fierce disease, just when the turning point has come, and death appears imminent, these are also occasions for crying "Saved." But to be rescued from sin and hell is a greater salvation still, and demands a louder joy. We will sing it in life, whisper it in death and chant it throughout eternity, "Saved by grace!" –C. H. Spurgeon
*************************************************************************** THIS IS SPIRITUAL GROWTH The longer I live, the more I feel that if there were one thing left undone, if the devil were not conquered, sin not expiated, justice not satisfied, the law not honored and magnified, death not overcome, and every burden not carried, I should not have a ray of hope. I used to think I saw this as clear as the noon day thirty or forty years ago; but I saw it very differently then to what I see now, for I see and feel now that if one hair-breadth is left for me to do to merit heaven, or bring as a plea before God, I am undone for ever and ever. But on the Mount of Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ undertook the cause of His people; and there is not a jot or tittle that He left undone, but, "By one offering He perfected for ever them that are sanctified" (Hebrews 10:14). Here is complete perfection - "Saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation" (Isaiah 45:17). –John Warburton, 1853 ***************************************************************************
CHRIST - ALL I NEED "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other" (Psalm 85:10). When I read this verse of divine inspiration, I can only think of one person and one thing –Christ and Him crucified. Mercy I could never deserve and truth I could never see have met together for me in Christ my Lord. For you see, Christ alone is Truth. God’s mercy I so desperately need is only found in Him. In Christ alone have mercy and truth met together in perfect harmony for me, an undeserving sinner. And because God caused them to meet together, now perfect righteousness I could never perform or provide and peace I could never buy or embrace have kissed each other in Him. Christ is truly made unto me all I need; and He is all that God requires. –Pastor David Eddmenson, New Caney, Texas