It has been a horribly long time since I've blogged, so with best of intentions, here we go again... This weekend the Presbytery of the Midwest is coming to Sheboygan for its fall stated meeting. All day Friday and possibly the morning on Saturday will feature Presbyterianism in action at Grace OPC. We are delighted to host the fathers and brothers, and hope that this will be a blessing upon the whole regional church. Along with other standard items, the docket will include three exams. One man is coming to be licensed, another is coming for ordination, and the third is joining our Presbytery (D.V.) This promises to be a weekend of blessings upon PMW, as more ministers means more benefits for the saints! Another aspect of the weekend that I'm looking forward to is the renewal of fellowship with my fellow church officers - men I appreciate and love, but see only at these meetings. It is encouraging to know that others of like mind are serving the kingdom in the midwestern states. These meetings are open to the public, and everyone is invited to stop by to see the church at work!