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"And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him," (1 John 2:3-4)
Beloved, It is a common misconception today that we must somehow discover what our purpose is here on earth. There are many people who ask this burning question and there have even been some pastors in recent years who have built entire ministries around this quest while the whole time overlooking the fact that God has clearly declared what our purpose is. In short, our purpose is to glorify God and as a child of God to enjoy Him forever.1 A second question that is inextricably tied to the first is “How do I know that I am fulfilling my purpose?” Again, God is resoundingly clear; keep My commandments. The historical context of 1 John is really no different from what we see today. There was a group of people who claimed a relationship with God but lived in a way that was anything but godly. They said they loved and worshiped God but consistently demonstrated their active hatred for other Christians. They said they had been changed by God but denied everything that was true about God’s character. In short, they talked a good game but in fact it was only talk even to the point that they had broken fellowship with the group of believers John is writing to. It seems that they believed their purpose was to glorify themselves and enjoy what they preferred forever. In response, John tells us that we not only can know our God given purpose but also whether we are fulfilling it. The child of God can know for certain that he is in good standing with the God who created him. All it requires is keeping God’s commandments. Sounds simple enough? What may not be as simple is living in every moment of every day with a commitment to “keep” (that is to guard as a precious treasure) God’s commandments. To make it an intentional process of placing God first in everything you think, say or do. To set aside hurt feelings over passed offenses and to love other believers as you love yourself. To realize that if you say you love God then you must love His children also. John further tells us that if we are unwilling to forgive and seek reconciliation with other Christian believers while professing to know and love God, we are a liar and God’s redeeming Spirit simply does not live inside us. It does not matter how sincerely we are seeking our purpose, we are missing it completely. Professions are meaningless without the obedient actions to back them up. In short, we are not glorifying God and unfortunately we will not enjoy Him in that moment let alone forever.
1.Question number one of the Westminster Shorter Catechism asks, “What is the chief end of man?” The response is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. This simple teaching is based on Psalm 86 and Psalm 16: 5 – 11.