Our Father in Heaven, we are a people who enjoy numerous blessings. Their number is as the sand of the seashore. We cannot name them all. Everywhere we turn we see your gracious hand at work. We have more than we deserve, yet you continue to shower blessings upon us. Lord, as well as your blessings, we all know something of the trials and temptations of life. None of us are exempt from the day of adversity. Adversity is good for the soul. When we are tested, we come to know truly who we are and what dwells inside of us. Lord, so many times, as we face adversity, we seem to fail the test. When the storms of live come and the wind of adversity blows hard, we tend to spire down into fear and anxiety. Sometimes, we find ourselves drowning in defeat and depression.
O Lord, in the day of prosperity, let us be happy, but in the day of adversity, let us consider that the Lord has made one as well as the other. We rest in the sovereignty of God. Even more so, confessing your sovereignty, we also rest in the truth of the word of God that teaches us that God is good.
God is great. God is good. Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Lord, we learned these as children. As we grow older into adulthood and even down unto old age, when everything has been said, when our theological knowledge has become expanded, we return to such simple prayers. God is great. God is good. Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. O Lord, we could repeat them over and over again because they tell great truths in a very simple way.
Our Father, grant healing to the sick, if it be your will. We have many who suffer chronic illnesses. Lord, there are Christians in the world who cry out for death because the pain and the suffering is so great. Lord, it hard to endure suffering. Why do the godly suffer and the wicked man seems exempt? Why do we pray and God says No? O Lord, it is easy to have faith when we pray and the answers come quickly and clearly. It is much more difficult when we pray and God seems to be silent. O Lord, help us to remember that even in your silence you are doing your work. Silence teaches us much. It teaches us to wait. It teaches us that God has greater plans than we could imagine. The Israelites waited in Egypt for 430 years for deliverance. After Malachi spoke his last words, God was silent for 455 years until John the Baptist broke forth as a prophet crying in the wilderness. Then came Christ. What joy follows silence. What blessings come after years of prayer. Lord, grant us the grace to wait and to pray.
Our Father, bless your word as it is preached and believed in this Church. Bless the fellowship we have one with another. Lord, we have a treasure in this Church. Our fellowship is delightful. Lord, we have so much to offer, and we pray that others might come and join with us. Bring the sinners into the fold to find peace with God. Give us the hungry and thirsty, that we might feed them with the whole counsel of God. Give us growth in holiness and give us growth in numbers. Lord, as the hymn writer said, “We long to see Thy churches full.”
Bless our covenant children. As they grow up in a Church faithful to your word, may the Spirit of Christ take root in their hearts. May their knowledge of You blossom. In years to come when many will leave us, may their memories of this place be sweet and joyful. May we plant in the heart of our children the seed of Your word that will carry them all the days of their lives.
Lord, we need old and wise men. We pray that we will never be a Church full of only the young man and the young woman. Give us men of gray hair who have lived through the trials of life and who can see what a young man could never see. Give the young men respect for age and a desire to sit at their feet and learn.
Our Father, we need to be reminded every day that you love us. We are in need of reassurance everyday.
When all has been said and done, we find our peace in the truth that Jesus accepts sinners. Christ paid the price and we are redeemed. As we live our Christian lives, our battles with the flesh do not put us out of the Kingdom, but only prove that we are indeed part of the Kingdom. Where there is no battle there is no life. Where the battle rages, there is the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Lord, we battle. That we know. Grant us the peace that being in the battle is the assurance that we are indeed in the army of the Lord. We are soldiers engrafted into Christ by our baptism. Make us mighty warriors. When others faint, give us the strength to continue in the fight until the day we die. Grant us with Thy favor that the day will come when we can say that we have fought the good fight, we have finished the course, and we have kept the faith.
Be with us today as we feed upon the word of God and as we worship as the Body of Christ. Speak to our hearts and give us the peace of Almighty God. In Christ’s Name We Pray. Amen