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Don Fortner | Danville, Kentucky
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Grace Baptist Church of Danville
2734 Old Stanford Road
Danville, KY 40422
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Grace Baptist Church of Danville (Bulletin)
SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2011
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July 31, 2011

There is not a single verse of Holy Scripture that implies, or even hints in any way, that the Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood at Calvary for those who are not saved by His blood. To suggest such an absurdity is to fly in the face of God’s Word and blaspheme His very name.

Behold The Wonders of the Cross — Don Fortner
(Tune: #52 – Majestic Sweetness -- CM )

1. Creation’s open volume stands,
And speaks God’s praise abroad,
And everything, made by His hands,
Declares that He is God.

2. But in the grace that rescued man
God’s brightest glory shines,
For on the cross (How wise the plan!)
It’s drawn in crimson lines!

3. Behold the wonders of the cross,
Where God our Savior died.
My spirit life eternal draws
From Jesus’ bleeding side!

4. I shall forever praise the name
Of God all-wise alone,
Whose glory’s seen in Christ the Lamb,
Whose blood for sin atoned!

Before God could do anything for us, He had to do something for Himself. He had to satisfy His own holy law and justice by the sacrifice of His darling Son before He could pour out His salvation upon chosen sinners. Justice must be satisfied before mercy could be bestowed.

For whom did Christ die?
Revelation 14:3-4

The objects of redemption, those for whom Christ died, for whom He made atonement by the shedding of His blood, for whom He obtained eternal redemption, are a special and distinct people. The Scriptures declare that they are “redeemed from the earth” (Revelation 14:3), from among all the other inhabitants of the earth. As explained in the very next verse, they are “redeemed from among men” (Revelation 14:4).

The inspired writers seem to delight in using the pronoun “us”, when speaking of the death of Christ, and our redemption by it. Thus the objects of redemption are identified as a distinct, particular people called “us”. “Christ died for us.” God “delivered Him up for us all.” Christ “gave Himself for us.” He did so “that He might redeem us.” The saints around his throne sing unto the Lamb, “Thou hast redeemed us unto God by Thy blood.” The Scriptures everywhere teach limited atonement, particular, effectual redemption accomplished and obtained for God’s elect by the sin-atoning death of Christ as our Substitute.

There is not a hint, suggestion, or implication of universal atonement anywhere in the Word of God. Not only does the Bible teach the blessed doctrine of effectual, limited atonement, the Word of God also tells us specifically and clearly who those sinners are for whom Christ died.

The Lord Jesus Christ died for every sinner in this world loved of God with an everlasting love. The objects of Christ’s redemption and the objects of God’s love are the same. Redemption flows from the love of God (John 3:16; Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:16; 4:10). This love from which redemption flows is much, much more than some imaginary, universal benevolence, and much, much more than that general kindness shown in providence to all men, as the creatures of God. This is a special and discriminating love. It is the special, saving favor which God bears to His own people alone, as distinct from others. The Lord God declares, “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” This is a hard pill for some to swallow. They would rather compromise the character of God and make for themselves a god like themselves (mutable, unfaithful, and untrustworthy) than acknowledge the plainly revealed fact that God’s love, His sovereign purpose of grace, His providence and all His saving operations are toward His elect alone. I defy anyone who denies this fact to give a sane interpretation of Isaiah 43:3-4.

This special, redeeming love is most highly expressed and clearly revealed by our all glorious Savior. When we see Him hanging on the cursed tree, bearing in His own body all the sins of all His people, and suffering all the horrid wrath of almighty God as our Substitute, we begin to understand the meaning of John’s words: — “Having loved his own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end” (John 13:1). All who are thus loved by Christ were redeemed by Christ. They are “His” people, “His” sheep, “His” church. To suggest, or imply that Christ died for reprobate sinners, who are the objects of His just wrath and contempt, that He died for those for whom He refused to even pray (John 17:9, 20), is utter nonsense. Those who say that Christ loved Esau and died for him, when Christ himself says, “Esau have I hated,” would make the Son of God a liar! They would rather declare that God is a liar than acknowledge that salvation truly is of the Lord in its entirety!

“He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied.”
Isaiah 53:11

The Son of God shall be satisfied with His ransomed people. I mean that our Redeemer shall be satisfied with the results of His sin-atoning work as our Substitute. He shall be satisfied because they all shall be perfectly saved (Ephesians 5:25-27; Isaiah 62:5). He was satisfied with His work when it was done (John 17:4; 19:30). He is satisfied with the reward of His obedience — His Exaltation and Glory (Philippians 2:8-12). He is satisfied with His present position and work as our great High Priest (1 John 2:1-2). And the Son of God shall be satisfied when He sees His seed, all His seed completely saved (John 6:37-40): called by his Spirit, converted by His grace, and conformed to His image. He shall be satisfied in that day of the great and glorious resurrection. When time shall be no more, the Lord Jesus shall raise His redeemed up to glory (1 Corinthians 15:51-58), declare and display the perfection of their everlasting righteousness in Him (Matthew 25:31-34), present to His Father the whole number given to Him in election, redeemed by Him at Calvary, called by Him in grace, and preserved by Him in mercy (1 Corinthians 15:24-28), and, at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, He shall bring us into everlasting blessedness and enjoy everlasting praise from His redeemed ones (Revelation 4:11-12; 5:9-14). Nothing will satisfy Christ short of the complete salvation of His redeemed (Matthew 1:21). Nothing will satisfy the believer’s heart short of perfect, complete conformity to Christ (Philippians 3:10). And both Christ and His saints shall be satisfied. I am certain that this is the meaning of the phrase, “He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied,” because that is what the next phrase declares.

“By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for He shall bear their iniquities.” All the many whose iniquities Christ bore in His body on the tree shall be justified, and they shall be justified by His knowledge. Perhaps that means by the knowledge of Him; but I prefer to stick with our translation. Christ shall justify His elect according to His knowledge of those for whom He died (John 10:14, 27-28).

Now look at Isaiah 53:12. Here the prophet summarizes all that he has said concerning the glorious, infallible efficacy of Christ’s redeeming work as our Substitute. Here is a declaration of Christ exaltation and glory. — “Therefore will I divide Him a portion with the great, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong.” Here are the reasons for His exaltation and glory. The Lord Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the majesty on high because His work is finished and His work was and is a complete success, “because He hath poured out His soul unto death: and He was numbered with the transgressors; and He bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.” Concerning our Lord’s intercession, John Gill explains that He did this “not merely in a petitionary way, but by presenting Himself, His blood, righteousness, and sacrifice, pleading the merits of these and calling for, in a way of justice and legal demand, all the blessings which were stipulated in the everlasting covenant, between Him and the Father, to be given to His people in consequence of His sufferings and death.” Read John 17:9, 20-24. Christ made intercession for us before the world began. Christ made intercession for us in the garden. Christ made intercession for us on the cross. Christ makes intercession for us today in heaven (1 John 2:1-2; Romans 8:33-34; Hebrews 7:24-25; 9:24). And our Redeemer’s intercession is effectual!

July 31, 2011

2734 Old Stanford Road-Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438
Telephone (859) 236-8235 - E-Mail

Donald S. Fortner, Pastor

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