"O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon His name: make known His deeds among the people. Sing unto Him, sing psalms unto Him: talk ye of all His wondrous works. Glory ye in His holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD." (Psalm 105:1-3) ______________________________________________________________________
Tune to "Brethren We Have Met to Worship"| double| Words by Jim Byrd
1. Hallelujah, praise the Savior, For in old eternity; Christ our Surety, pledged to save us, He from sin would set us free. Lo! He left His throne of glory, Came into this world of woe; Satisfied His law and justice, To pay all the debt we owe.
2. Hallelujah, praise the Savior, By His death on Calvary; He redeemed His chosen people, Fully won the victory. Jesus crushed the head of Satan, Took away iniquity; Reconciled us to the Father, Brought in immortality.
3. Hallelujah, praise the Savior, On Him all our hopes depend; Prophet, Priest and King of glory, Christ our everlasting Friend! Soon life’s journey will be over, And with Jesus we shall be; Joining all the ransomed army, Praising Christ eternally. _______________________________________________________________________ Daily Readings-July 24-Aug 6 Sunday - Proverbs 20-22 Monday - Proverbs 23-26 Tuesday - Proverbs 27-31 Wednesday- Ecclesiastes 1-4 Thursday - Ecclesiastes 5-8 Friday - Ecclesiastes 9-12 Saturday- Sg of Sol. 1-8 Sunday - Isaiah 1-4 Monday - Isaiah 5-9 Tuesday - Isaiah 10-14 Wednesday- Isaiah 15-21 Thursday - Isaiah 22-26 Friday - Isaiah 27-31 Saturday- Isaiah 32-37 _______________________________________________________________________ SCRIPTURE READINGS TODAY: MORNING: 1 JOHN 1 EVENING: LUKE 4:16-30 _______________________________________________________________________ "THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY"
"The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" (Revelation 19:10). What does that statement mean? It means that the very purpose and nature of prophecy is to testify of Jesus Christ and His work of redemption. "The testimony of Jesus" - the record or report of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who He is, what He did, why He did it, where He is now - "is the spirit" - is the life, the heart, the soul, the pulse - "of prophecy," of preaching, a forth telling of the Word of God. -- Pastor Byrd ________________________________________________________________________ NO ACCEPTANCE WITHOUT PERFECTION
None can ever be accepted by God who are not perfect. "It shall be perfect" - without blemish, without spot, complete, innocent - "to be accepted" - delighted in, approved of - (Leviticus 22:21). Since God’s people are accepted in Christ (Ephesians 1:6), then it stands to reason that we are perfect in Christ. Our sins were really and truly imputed to Him and His righteousness has really and truly been imputed to us. Through the substitutionary, justice-satisfying death of our Lord Jesus Christ, His people are "made the righteousness of God in Him" (2 Corinthians 5:21). That which was said of Job is true of all God’s people in Christ: "that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil" (Job 1:1). -- Pastor Byrd ________________________________________________________________________ THE BLESSED DOCTRINE OF IMPUTATION
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" (Galatians 3:13). Here Christ stands with all the curse of a broken law charged upon Him, as the sinner’s Surety; yea, as the curse itself. And consequently, as in the doing of this, He takes it from His people; they are redeemed from it. The original debtor, and the Surety who pays for that debtor, cannot both have the debt at the same time charged upon them. This, therefore, is the blessed doctrine of imputation. Our sins are imputed to Christ. His righteousness is imputed to us. And this by the authority and appointment of JEHOVAH; for without this authority and appointment of JEHOVAH, the transfer could not have taken place. For it would have been totally beyond our power to have made it. But surely not beyond the right and prerogative of God. And if God accepts such a ransom; yea, He Himself appoints it: and if the sinner by Christ’s righteousness be made holy and if the sins of the sinner be all done away by Christ's voluntary sufferings and death; if the law of God be thus honored, the justice of God thus satisfied, all the divine perfections glorified by an equivalent, yea, more than an equivalent, inasmuch as Christ’s obedience and death infinitely transcend in dignity and value the everlasting obedience of men and angels; surely, here is the fullest assurance of the truth of the doctrine of Christ’s imputed righteousness, and the perfect approbation of JEHOVAH to the blessed plan of redemption. --Robert Hawker