I confess. I’m one of ‘em. A bad guy. I just keep seeing and saying things differently. Just can’t fit into the new mold being cast by today’s “prophetic” teachers.
Now there’s a word to start with, for example: “Prophetic”. It no longer is relegated to things future. Good enough. We knew that all along. Has to do with anything God Himself speaks through a person. Well and good. Can live with that. Trouble is, once a “prophet” stands before a modern congregation, discerners are placed on vibrate, or even shut off altogether. No one dares speak against a “word” from the prophet. Sometimes the teachings are flat out strange and even decried by other “prophets.” But speak not against “my anointed” says the Word, and today’s folks think that means the guy in the pulpit.
The “my anointed” passage (Psalm 105:15) refers to God’s people. Pew-folks. But even saying that makes me one of the bad guys.
And how about “religion”? Though James makes it perfectly clear that there is a good religion, or worship, the new guys are saying that all religion is bad. That if you hold on to old teachings you are religious and need to repent. Worse, you may quite well have a spirit of religion and need full-scale deliverance.
Of course, the Bible is silent on such a thing. And I was brought up to believe that where the Bible is silent I ought to shut my mouth too.
“Doctrine” is another word that gets kicked around. I’ve heard them say it, “Check your mind at the door.” “We don’t need doctrine today, we need God’s Spirit.” How do they know that? Must have read the teaching about the Spirit in the Bible. But teaching = doctrine. Every word that comes from these new pulpiteers is doctrine. Some of it is from the apostles, some not. That is, some is true, some is false. But any teaching is doctrine, by definition.
And oh do we need a good dose of apostolic doctrine.
But don’t say that word –apostolic- when you are making your order. ‘Cause it’s another one being redefined. I cringe when I hear people say there are no apostles today, then put their $2.00 in the plate to support “missionaries.” What Bible verse supports missionaries? Nada. Aint there! Missionaries = apostles. Ones sent to preach the Gospel, right? Same definition. So let’s agree that we do have apostles.
But we don’t have the “Twelve”. Or do we? Thank you Lord, yes we do. They –the Spirit in them- thought enough of the church to come, that they wrote down their doctrines –oops!- their teachings for us. Aren’t you glad? Can you imagine the chaos of voices today without a standard with which to compare?
Thankfully, the standard is in place. The original apostles win out over any “apostolic” voices of our day when there is a conflict. But how many are comparing? How many more just sit and take it all in when someone claims the office of apostle?
I believe in miracles, just for the record. Same Bible, same standard book, tells me God is unchanging. But the original apostles worked miracles galore, no questions asked, no mistakes, no waiting. Doesn’t quite seem to be that way today, though the stories are out there, and I refuse to come against whatever the Spirit may be doing or want to do.
Then there’s “legalism.” A brother wants to keep the speed limit. He’s a legalist. He likes I Corinthians 14 just as it is, thank you? Gifts in order. Discernment in place. Women in submission, and all the rest. He’s more than a legalist. He’s a Pharisee, bound and gagged.
For the record, keeping the law and the New Testament guidelines to please God is not forbidden. Keeping the law to be and stay saved is definitely forbidden. The one who practices/teaches the latter is a legalist. The former guy is holy, or on his way to being so. Not a thing wrong with it. The American church is notoriously unholy and needs repentance sooner than may be possible to avert the coming disasters.
And it will be the church, not the world, that will be the reason for national collapse. When God’s people humble themselves and pray… well, you know the rest.
“Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth” (Paul)? Yep, that’s the way it is. Speak what the apostles said, I mean those first century men, and you are the bad guy, the enemy, the Pharisee, the legalist, and above all, you have a spirit of religion which you must shed immediately…
Oh my. Pray for this brother. And watch your language.