Tomorrow is Election Day. How should we as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ think about government, civil leaders, and our role in society? Below is a summary of a devotional that our men’s group went through this morning. This evening we will interact with the material as a family. I encourage you to take a one-day break from your normal pattern of devotions to think on these things.
Scripture texts to read and discuss
Proverbs 14:34 (What are some of the blessings of righteous leaders and the curses of the ungodly?)
Proverbs 21:1 (How far does God’s sovereignty reign?)
Psalm 33 (What does God love? Think about verses 10-11 and how it applies to tomorrow’s election. Does anything escape God’s notice? Why is God trustworthy?)
Psalm 47 (What are the implications of the fact that the Lord is King?)
Romans 13:1-7 (What is the role of government and who does it serve? What is our role as believers?)
1 Peter 2:13-17 (What is a significant part of our Christian witness in this world? What is to be our relationship to governmental leaders? Remember that the ungodly Nero was in power when Peter wrote these words.)
1 Timothy 2:1-4 (Why and how must we pray?)
Then spend time in prayer for our governing leaders, for God’s will to be done in tomorrow’s elections, and for righteousness and justice to be exalted.
Tomorrow, go to the polls. Trust the Lord for the outcome.